Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Wondering around

The whole group stared at me with wide eyes. Again, I bowed my head to the floor and said sorry. The young girl who called herself Anna introduced me to the rest of her friends like this was some kind of social gathering.

"It's nice to meet you all, I'm Noa. I'm really sorry for scaring all of you, as you can see I don't really know how to control my powers." I tried to laugh it off

"Well, thankfully no one here got hurt." Kusanagi fixed his glasses. "What were you doing up here?"

"I remembered that I was supposed to meet someone here. I had some questions about my current partner." I looked over at Yata.

"What? I don't know you!" Yata snapped.

I tied my hair in pigtails with a couple of ribbons. Suddenly it occurred to him that we did meet.

"You're one of the blues! You're Saru's new partner!" He pointed at me.

"Whoa, whoa wait a minute. I don't what your history is with them but I came here on my break. I really don't want to fight, I just wanted some information on Scepter 4."

"We should talk about this downstairs. We have to open up soon." Kusanagi headed downstairs.

Together we all lounged at the bar, asking each other questions about both of our clans.

Kusanagi: I didn't know that Scepter 4 gained a new member.

Me: Well, it's not like I wanted to. I was arrested for trespassing on private property, releasing prisoners and messing up their security system. But I was promised freedom for joining them and putting my powers to good use.

Bando: And how's that going for you?

Me: It's torturous just waking up so early in the morning. But it's alot better than my previous clan.

Shohei: If you don't mind me asking, how many clans were you involved in.

Me: Not so long ago, I was the Gold's watchful eye and powerhouse. When I told my king that I was leaving, he sent out others to hunt me down for betraying them. I have no one but myself to blame for that.

Kusanagi: You really have an eye for trouble.

Me: Well I thought I'd be in even more trouble when I attacked you guys. I was warned about how strong your clan was , so I flipped out. How much you didn't attack me?

Everyone remained silent.

Kusanagi: Our king died a year ago.

Me: I-I'm so sorry to hear that. That's why Scepter 4 was storing away your files, you guys are no longer active.

Kusanagi: It's alright but on different topic, aren't you supposed to be searching for someone?

Me: I had a dream of a mysterious king, who radiated the strongest aura I've ever felt. I left my clan to go join his so that I'll be safe and live happily.

Shohei: You're not talking about the Silver King aren't you?

Me: If he's still a child then yes.

Kamamoto: Noa, sorry to break it to you but he's dead. Our king, Mikoto killed him for killing one of our members.

Me: What? No, that can't be! He was... he had such great powers at such a young age...he can't...he can't be..

My breathing became irregular and my powers slowly began to flow out of me. The lights in the bar began to rapidly flicker.

Chitose: Hey, hey calm down over there! We can't have you blowing fuses here.

Eric: Drink this.

He passed me a small juice pouch, which briefly relaxed me.

Me:(crying lightly) What am I going to do now? I gave up everything to follow this dream, all I did was cause more trouble.

Fujishima: If you don't want to go back then stay here.

Me: That's really nice of you but I can't. I'd be arrested again if I just left. Besides I know Fushimi-senpai would really kill me for betraying them.

Yata: If he dares step in here, I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of him!

Me: I know it's not my business but how do you know him.

Yata: Saru and I used to be friends, but he screwed everything up when he betrayed Homra.

Me: Maybe that's how my clans are

Looking at me right now. That's why they really want to kill me. I'm so lost right now.

I titled my head back and just noticed that Anna was braiding my hair the whole time. I smiled at her and gave her some ribbons to tie it with.

Me: For a rowdy group, I love the way you treat each other. It's very family oriented here. It's beautful.

Kusanagi: What will you do now?

Me: I don't know. I no longer have a reason to hang around Scepter 4, maybe I'll join the rebellion and destroy Scepter 4 once and for all.

Chitose: A rebellion?

Me: A group of strains are gathering to take down Scepter 4 for snatching us up like cattle. There are still some strains in the prisons. But then I'll have two clans chasing me.

Anna: Noa, you must leave now. They're coming for you.

I quickly got up from my seat and headed for the door. But Kusanagi advised Kamamoto and Yata to take me out from the back. Together the three of us ran outside.

Blue Heart: K ProjectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang