Chapter 20 part 3

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Chapter 20 part 3

Noa and Anna

We've both been running for hours. I haven't seen or run into anyone that I was starting to think that they were all captured.

As we ran passed an alley way, I heard a voice yell.

"Those two were part of Homra! Arrest them!"

When the sounds of footsteps grew louder, our feet sprinted faster. I looked behind to check how many there were. There was probably about six of them after us. The man reached over to his radio and called to the Commander.

"Sir, we found two members of the group. Both young girls, we're pursuing them right now!"

With that information out, I quickly used up some of my energy to shock the walls on the building. The fuse box broke and began to send out sparks, distracting the officers as I broke through a window and pushed Anna up. As I tried to heave myself us, I felt someone drag me back down.

"Noa!" Anna screamed as she reached for my hand.

The officers pulled me down, and cuffed my hands. As they where trying to reach for Anna, I sent out a spark which shocked all the officers that were within an inch apart. Once they were down I grabbed the top part of the trash can and began to release my electricity as I bashed them with it.

However since I was growing weak, the voltage wasn't high enough.

"You pesky brat!" Officer gave me a hard slap across the face, knocking me to the ground.

"Anna, run! Go now!" I screamed

Anna stared down at me with tears running down her face.

"No.....I can't...." she began to cry.

Right when I shut my eyes, ready to accept my fate a flash of light appeared at the other end of the alley.

All of a sudden, the light pushed the officers all the way to the other end. When I sat up, a man was suddenly standing right in front of me.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he helped me up.

When I was up close to him, face to face, I realized who he was.

"The Silver King!" I gasped.

"It's really great to see you again. You can call me Shiro, if you like." he looked up to the window where Anna was hiding. "Tell your friend to quickly come down, those guys are already getting up."

I hurried over to the window and helped Anna get down. Once we were together, he grabbed my hand and soon we were all levitating in the air.

"This is amazing!" I laughed

"Come with me." he smiled. " I know of a place where you'll both be safe from those guys."

I was so locked onto his words and eyes that I couldn't help but agree to join him. I nodded in return and together we floated up in the air off to the sanctuary.


Scepter 4

By the end of the day, Scepter 4 was only able to catch three members of the group. They immediately put them into their cells and kept them all blindfolded.

In the meeting room, the whole team were to write reports on their captives.

Munakata: Who is it that we caught?

Hidaka: The first one is Kamamoto Rikio, he's a former member of Homra. Second one, Mishakuji Yukari, he says that he worked under the colorless king, Ichigen Miwa. The last is Hirasaka Douhan, Yukari's partner.

Blue Heart: K ProjectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang