Chapter 9 part 2

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Chapter 9 part 2

When I glanced back and saw a flash if gold, I immediately knew who was out lurking in the night. I stopped running and began to charge up my power and shot bolts of lightning at them.

"Long time no see, Noa." Said Ryouta, the biggest member in the Gold Clan.

Ryuji used his powers to create a black fog as distraction. He grabbed my hand and tugged me away but it wasn't long until we bumped into Takeshi, Gold's strongest and fastest member.

Takeshi knocked down Ryuji with one of his studded fists. Ryuji then changed his powers and used one of his illusions, this one put Takeshi in a dream like state since he got too close to him.

"My eyes! What did you do?" Takeshi tried to snap out of it and began to slap his face.

"Akio, don't let them get away!" Takeshi yelled.

Immediately a bright yellow light blinded us and got rid of Ryuji's smoke. When the cloud had disappeared, we were surrounded by four of gold's best fighters. Takeshi, Akio, Ryouta, and Daichi all removed their masks to reveal their faces.

"We've been searching for you, Noa. Don't make this into a huge fuss and just turn yourself in." Akio, one of youngest members.

"I'm not just gonna bow down to your every will, you guys knew that too. I was nothing there!" I yelled back.

"We were a team. You don't just leave your family like that." Daichi, the wisest and plan maker of the group.

"I'm not going back, not to that life." This was probably the one of those rare times when I had no choice but to let go.

I let go all control and created a huge electrical field around Ryuji and I. I needed to find a way to escape, so I pointed my finger up into the air and released a bolt to the sky. On the other hand, Ryuji whistled calling his members back here.

The strains gathered around the clansmen and began to fight them off. However, the gold's were still stronger than them. Everyone all around me were getting hurt, I started to feel guilty for this mess. I felt a strong pulse inside me but I had no control over it now.

The field was now turned into random strikes of lightning. I tried to stop it but it was no use, my fear had taken over.

"Ryuji, get out of here now!" I yelled

"What about you?! I'm not gonna leave you here!" He yelled back.

"If you guys stay, I might end up hurting someone here! Just go now"

"Damn it!" he growled as he moved out. Once the rest of the strains saw him move, they followed him.

All that was left was me and my old clansmen. They dodge most of my bolts but wouldn't dare to come close to me. Instead they used their auras to try to knock me out. Since attacking me head on wasn't working, the clansmen decided to split up and attack me from different directions.

Keeping track of everyone was confusing me even more. While I wasn't looking Takeshi got pass and abruptly knocked me down with one blow. I tried to get up but I was far too tired.

"You might as well give up now, Noa. You know you can beat us." Takeshi smirked.

All I was able to do was send a small current and zap Takeshi's feet. He got on his toes, cursing from the pain. Even though he was distracted I had no energy to get up and run.

Takeshi finally pulled himself together and stepped on my dress, making sure I wouldn't be able to run away. It was pretty clear too that I had no way of escaping, then again he wasn't really the brightest.

"Any last words?" he laughed.

"Hey Takeshi, our goal was not to kill on the spot. Kokujoji-san still wants to see her." Daichi yelled but Takeshi's head was so thick that it didn't even matter to him.

"You were all brawn and no brains." I coughed.

Right when I saw his aura I knew that I was doomed. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for my death but strangely nothing happened. I slowly opened them once again and saw that someone was blocking the attack. A girl popped out of nowhere and began to tug on my shoulder.

"Get up! Get up!" She yelled.

I forced my tired body to stand and limped out of the way while her companion fought off the clansmen. The boy that was with her ran over to us and picked me up. As we were running the boy yelled over to the girl.

"Neko, use it now!"

The scenery suddenly changed to the city of Tokyo. The clansmen gazed around, confused of what just happened. This bought us enough time to run off and hide. When we ran far enough, the boy put me down.

"Who are you guys? And why did you save me?"

"We're clansmen but we were supposed to be undercover. I'm sorry but we can't stay with you for long, where do you live?"

I had them drop me off a couple miles away from Scepter 4.

"Hey, wait!" I hollered before they could run off. "Thank you for saving me. If you guys hadn't showed up I'd be in big trouble."

"It's pretty dangerous to be out in the streets at this time. If it wasn't for that bolt you sent out we would've never found you. Anyways, I hope you get home safe." The boy smiled.

"See you again, someday!" The girl giggled as she hugged me good-bye.

"You're a strain, aren't you?" I turned to the girl. "If you are, I suggest that you be careful too."

"I'm fine! I'm very good at running." she smiled widely and began to trot away with her friend.

Once I was alone, I continued my way down the barren street. I rubbed my arms trying to bring some warmth back but the wind just blew even harder. I quivered, this night was twice as cold.

"Just where the hell were you?" A voiced called to me.

I picked my head up, finding Fushimi leaning by a lamp post. By the look on his face, I'd say he was pretty pissed. I simply gave him a friendly smile, since I was glad to see him after all I've been through.

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