Chapter 11 part 3

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Chapter 11 part 3

"Noa, where are you!?" Bando yelled into the sky

"That's not gonna help, you idiot!" Chitose smacked the back of his head.

"Hey guys, now's not the time to fight." Shohei butted in.

"Well, how do we know she didn't drown or something? There must be some easy way to find her." Bando rubbed his head.

"What's that?" Eric pointed over to the pile of rocks located under a cliff.

On the ground was a small white figure. Everyone jumped to their feet and ran over to the figure. When they finally reached it, right by their feet was a sun hat.

"Good job, Eric!" Yata punched his arm.

"Ryuji is this one of your caves?" Kamamoto asked.

"This cave was disengaged. This was going to lead to headquarters but we decided to change it. Inside, it's completely destroyed."

"Then she couldn't have gone far." Chitose lit an branch as a torch and beaded in the cave.

The rest of the guys followed right behind him.


Scepter 4

Up in his office, Munakata, was looking through his files on the two mysterious women they caught from the resort. He then switched over to his computer where he was able to look through the cameras located all over their base.

In library, Fushimi sat by himself reading a small red book. Over at the dining the room some of the workers were preparing their late lunch. Seeing that there was nothing going on on the campus, he decided to close the windows.

Right when he shut them off, he noticed that there was an alert for on of his trackers. He dragged his cursor over to the little symbol and read that Noa's tracker was malfunctioning.

He turned on his phone and dialed for Fushimi.

Munakata: Fushimi-kun, seeing that your not busy, would you be so kind as to come upstairs.

Fushimi:No, I'm out right now. Plus, it's break I'm supposed to be off from work.

Munakata: I can you see in the library. You're reading a small red book and you're probably up there because it's one of the coolest rooms.


Munakata: I have cameras installed everywhere.

Fushimi: You said that you were taking them down.

Munakata: Back to the subject, Fushimi-kun, I'm pretty sire this topic will catch your attention. It's Noa, something's wrong.

Fushimi: ....What do you mean? She always turns off that damn tracker when she wants to escape from us. What makes this so different?

Munakata: Her tracker has been sending strange signals like morse code.

Fushimi:....I'll be over.



The Homra group walked through the dark tunnels for the past two hours. They sat down to take a break and think things through.

Yata: Damn! We're not getting anywhere with this!

Ryuji: Well, so far we've encountered four dead ends.

Kamamoto: Ryuji, do you remember where these tunnels lead to?

Ryuji: Unfortunately, no. I have many different tunnels that lead to different locations. I don't think I have the blue print for this one.

Eric: Can't you use your shadows to find her?

Yata: Wait a minute! Ryuji just use your powers to find her!

Ryuji: I'll try.

Ryuji sat up and rested himself on his heels. He then closed his eyes, took in a deep breathe and soon his shadow began to stretch across the floor. The shadow changed it's form into hooded figure. It crawled over to the walls and disappeared into the darkness.

Bando: So what now? Should we leave him here or should we stay?

Yata: Don't be an idiot! We should stay here just in case...

Shohei: A-Are you scared, Yata?

Yata: W-What! Me? Scared? That's bullshit, I'm not scared. I'm just a bit concerned since she did disappear.

Kamamoto: Ha, I remember when we were telling stories you were shaking!

Yata: Shut up! I was really cold that night! Anyways, we should focus on our mission.


After pinpointing the signal, Fushimi and Munakata arrived at a barren beach. On the sand were fresh foot prints leading to the pile of rocks. The two men followed the trail and soon found themselves in front of a cave.

Fushimi drew out a small flashlight and headed inside while Munakata used his lighter.

"Did you translate the signal?" Munakata broke the silence.

"Yeah, it was spelling 'Help' before it finally went out."

"I can sense that there is another group in here."

"I smelt fire before you even used your lighter. It has to be Homra." Fushimi grumbled to himself.

"Yes, I already knew that. I'm saying that there is a thrid party here, but I'm not sure who it is."

"Do you think it's Ryuji's group?"

"No, this one feels way too strong for it to be a strain. It's another king and his clansmen."

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