Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 To be Close

Yata and Mizu

The whole day, the two stayed in an old creepy shack where the healer worked. The shack was in such bad condition that it had cracked walls, no doors only drapes, and broken windows.

The healer that helped them was an elderly woman, probably about 80 years old, who had long claw-like nails and long grey hair. She had a kind face but had a shady presence to her. She placed Mizu on an old gurney, her nails lit in a bright lime-green color. Within an hour Mizu's wounds and broken ribs were repaired.

"Thank you." Mizu said cheerfully to the old woman.

She didn't answer back but she did give her a smile and returned to her dark room. Once she was gone, Mizu hopped down and went over to Yata.

"Does she not creep the hell out of you?" he whispered to her.

"No way, you have no idea how many times that woman saved my ass. I'd always come to her when I got in a fight or she'd find me laying around with injuries somewhere."

"So what do we do now? Everyone was forced to retreat and right now I can't really contact anyone."

"Should we head back to Homra?"

"Nah, that's the first place the blues would check. Trust me, there's some guy there who would've thought of that."

"I hope they all made it out." Mizu took out her phone and tried to call Noa but she did not answer it.

"Well, we better get going. We have to find some place to stay. By now, they must be checking our addresses."

"Hang on a sec, we could go to Yukari's place! No one knows where he lives and it's hidden pretty well."

"As long if it's safe to be in. We should try to find everyone in the morning."


Scepter 4 Prison

When night came, all the guards had finally left to go to sleep. But once they left the room, they set up a new security system just in case the prisoners broke free.

Kamamoto: Hey Yukari, Douhan, are you guys still awake?

Yukari: Well, I am now.

Douhan: Man, it's freezing here!

Kamamoto: Do you think you can break out of your binds?

Yukari: I don't know about you but they cuffed my feet as well. I can't move anywhere.

Douhan: Same here. But since we're all awake and there's no one around, Kamamoto I wanted to ask you something.

Kamamoto: Lay it on me. What do you want to know?

Douhan: Why didn't you run off when Noa gave out the signal?

Kamamoto: Well, a while back when our king, Mikoto died. I promised myself that I'd watch over the younglings in our clan and be the big brother for the rest of the guys. And since Noa is technically one of us now, I thought that she was my responsibility too. I did this to myself because it was the only thing I could do to benefit the mission. Hopefully my sacrifice was well-worth it.

Yukari: I completely forgot what it's like to be in a clan. Heh, that squirt probably hates me still.

Kamamoto: So what about you guys? Why did you stop running and helped me?

Yukari: Well, one against three isn't really fair, now is it?

Kamamoto: Heh, I guess not. But still you guys had the chance to get away.

Yukari: My main job in this mission was to keep as much trouble away from your group, which didn't really go as planned. Besides, we already had a train of officers chasing us, hiding from that mass would've been impossible. Either way, we would've been captured as well.

Douhan: Wait a minute, do you guys remember that girl that appeared out of nowhere?

Yukari: Yeah, who the hell was she?

Kamamoto: I saw her a long time ago. All I know is that she's a strain working for the Silver King. It doesn't surprise me that she got away.

Douhan: Do you think they'll come for us or continue the mission?

Kamamoto: That's pretty tricky. They could continue it without us but then again...

Yukari: They'll come for us, I'm sure of it.

Douhan: What makes you say that?

Yukari: Noa won't continue her mission unless she feels fully safe and secured.

Kamamoto: Wait, what are you talking about?

Yukari: She's too scared to go by herself. She needs everybody, she's too scared of that Dr. Henkel guy. All I know is that this is some psycho doctor whose been testing on her since she was a kid. Can't blame her for that.

Kamamoto: How did you know that?

Yukari: Mizu, and all it took was ¥2054 and free lunch

Douhan: You don't Ryuji would come after us right?

Yukari: Why would he?

Douhan: Think about it if Ryuji, raids this base again, he could hold us hostage.

Kamamoto: That is a possibility but I highly doubt he'd risk it.

Yukari: Hey Kamamoto, you've known these guys for a while. Do think they use torture as an option to obtain information.

Kamamoto: Depends on the person. I have a bad feeling that there's someone here who really wants to have a chat with me tomorrow. Not really looking forward to it.

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