Chapter 21 part 2

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Chapter 21 part 2


The next morning, I woke up in some kind of church. It was absolutely stunning. I got up from the shiny, marble floor and walked over to the big stain glass windows. I had no clue to where we were located.

All I could see were trees and grass, my guess is that we were in the outskirts of the city. On the bench, still fast asleep, was Anna. I picked up the blanket on the floor and gently placed it on her.

Up front was a gorgeous alter surrounded with a variety of blooming summer flowers. The candles on the alter were still warm and melty, which meant they were recently put out. I slowly walked to the back where a big organ was set.

The organ was spiffy and glossed, looking as good as new. I decided to walk around the whole church, finding it to be completely empty until I found a hidden stair case by a bookshelf.

I carefully walked up the winding steps and found that it led me to an antique looking door. I could smell something really good behind it so I busted it open.

"Geez, don't do that!" Kuroh gasped. "I'm guessing that your hungry."

"Kuroh, right?"


"Where are we?"

"This is the Silver King's secret emergency base. His real base has another location just in case we were tracked down."

"My memory's a bit fuzzy. I can't really remember what happened last night. I don't remember how I got here." I said as I seated myself down at the table.

"You can thank someone for that." he turned over to another door and yelled. "Neko, the food's ready!"

A girl burst through the door and placed herself right across from me.

"Food! Food!" she laughed loudly. "Oh, you're awake!"

"I remember you, you saved me one time. Did you erase my memory?"

"Shiro told me to. He couldn't let you see the location of this place."

"I guess it's reasonable. How did he know that I was in trouble and where is he?"

"Shiro's coming here soon! Really soon!"

Once Kuroh sent down our food, Neko began to pick off of every dish and stuff her face. She suddenly stopped when a knock came upon the door.

"Good Morning everyone!" Shiro greeted as he walked in.

"Good morning." Anna came behind him and immediately took the seat right next to me.

"I hope you two slept well." he picked up his chopsticks and began to gather food.

"Shiro, thank you for saving us. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"It's really no big deal. You guys seemed to be in a real rough, I thought your group could use a hand."

"Please, what happened to the rest of my team?"

"I'm very sorry but not all were able to escape." he sighed.

"I'm sorry it's my fault. I couldn't save them." Neko got up from her seat and gave a good bow

"No, it's my fault. I was stupid for even thinking up this plan and put everyone in danger. I just couldn't do it by myself... I'm a coward. This was my team and I was the first to run off." I looked down at my plate too sad to eat.

Anna patted my arm trying to comfort me. I gave her a small smile and told her not to fuss over me.

"How many were there?" I looked over at Neko

"Three." She frowned.

"I'm going to get them back!" I said as I got up from my seat. "I'm gonna go kick their ass!"

"Yeah, let's get them!" Neko sprang up from her seat and followed me.

"Hang on a second, if you go there you're basically giving them the upper hand. The point of keeping them as hostages is for you to barge in there. You have to have a plan." Kuroh scolded me.

"I can't let them take the heat. It's unfair!" I yelled back

"Shiro!" Kuroh turned over to Shiro who was busy enjoying his breakfast
"You're the king, say something!"

"Sorry Kuroh, I've been gone all night and didn't get to have any dinner." he chuckled.

He got up from his seat and led us back to our seats.

"This game is much more dangerous than you think. Even if you are strong, you have to think of a strategy."

"I'm running out of time! They could be tortured or worse dead. I don't even know which ones I've lost."

"Noa..." Anna took out her marbles and placed them on the table. "Kamamoto, Yukari, Douhan..."

"Kamamoto....he stayed behind just so we could escape. This is my fault, it's all my fault." I cried "why does this always happen? Why can't I do anything right?Anna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't mean to put your clan in this much danger. I-I-I'm sorry guys"

"Noa, please don't lose hope yet. We had the choice. We chose to help you." Anna comforted me.

"Noa," Shiro offered me his hand, he pulled me up still holding my hand. "I promise you that I'll help you through your mission and save your friends. You have my word."

He shook my hand firmly as tears swelled my eyes. Anna, Kuroh and Neko all joined in and laid their hands above ours.

"We're all in this together now." Kuroh smiled.

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