Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Oh my!

He opened up another window and helped me inside. We tip toed to the door and made sure we weren't being followed.

"Do I know you?" I finally asked him.

"You'll find out soon enough." he let go of my hand, spun me around and gave me a light shove.

"If you keep going this way and down the stairs, it should lead you back to the ballroom."

"Wait, what about you?!" I grabbed onto his sleeve before he could disappear on me.

"Hehe, don't worry about me. I may look it but I'm pretty tough to kill. Don't worry, just keep going."

I nodded and went on ahead but then he called my name once I found the stairs.

"Noa, just remember I'm you're friend!" He yelled before he ran off.

Once I could no longer see his snow white hair, I headed down the stairs. I sprinted down to the door and found myself in a barren ballroom. I ran over to Munakata and Awashima.

"Noa, what's going on here? What happened to the plan?" Awashima scolded.

"Golds, Homra and Fushimi are fight each other and a guard. Where did all the people go?"

"We're not fully sure but we went the others to search the building once the other guest strangely vanished."

"Most likely a-" Munakata began but was interrupted when the ornate wall crumbled.

Between the cracks was a magnificent flame. Everyone in the ballroom quickly ducked for cover. Coming the smoke were several shadows dancing with each other. Right when I saw a flash of a blue blade, I smashed my fists to the ground and sent out a shockwave.

All the figures jumped to their feet once the shock hit them. I quickly got up on my feet and ran straight to the cloud of smoke.

"Noa!" Awashima screamed.

"Senpai!" I called but all I could hear were the pattering of feet.

Out of the fog, hands crawled under my arms and lifted me off the ground. Once I was lifted, I screamed and began to kick the air. I grabbed the hand and sent a static causing the person to drop me.

"Shit!" the husky voice growled.

Just from hearing that I picked myself up and tried to run as far away as possible. The smoke seemed to be infinite. All I could see were shadows roaming around the room.

"Senpai!" I called again but all I could hear were yelling voices. I breathed in to yell again but I was stopped by the sound of glass shattering on the marble floor.

From the fog a bright purple lash came out of nowhere and whipped down the other shadows. With the second lash waving around in the air, the fog began to thin out. Soon the fog was finally cleared and everyone was finally able to see each other.

"Noa!" Mizu yelled as she lashed at the guard.

I hurried to her and threw a bolt at the guard forcing him to back off.

"Nice party." she laughed

"What are you doing here?"

"There's something you must know about this party. First off, I'm not sure if you know this but there's a strain using it's powers around this whole building. I'm not really sure what it is but I broke it's barrier just to get in."

"Mizu, answer me truthfully. Is Ryuji doing all of this?" I asked in a soft tone.

Right before Mizu could speak a loud feedback echoed in the room, causing all of the fighting to stop. Up at a small balcony in the wall, the mysterious host revealed himself to us.

"Welcome everybody, I am your host this evening. I am Isana Yashiro, the immortal Silver King." He said over the mic.

"The...Silver King." I gasped.

"What's the meaning of this nonsense, Silver King?" Kokujoji-san forced himself off his seat and walked over to the center.

"I sent each and every one of you an invitation. Each letter contains one message, which hopefully you got."

"Evacuate. Is that why you brought us out here, so we could evacuate our bases?" Munakata yelled back.

"Exactly. I'm trying to be your friend in this fight." he smiled warmly.

"Why should we be listening to you?! You only caused even more trouble! You could've just told us to get out!" Yata hollered.

"Shut your mouth, scum. You better talk to a king with respect." Kuroh glared at him.

"Well, there's more to it than that. All of your bases were being targeted by a special group of strains. I made sure to be clear about your evacuation and bring you guys here where it is safe for now."

"Ume Ryuji." Munakata exhaled.

I looked over at Mizu, who was sporting a big frown on her face.

"Mizu?" I called to her. "What's going on?"

Blue Heart: K ProjectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora