Chapter 23 part 3

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Chapter 23 part 3

"Noa," Anna softly called me. "Are you afraid?"

"Very. I wish I was as brave as you Anna." I sat beside her on the bed. "If only I was braver, none of you would've been dragged into this."

"Noa's brave too."

"Oh god, I wish I could say yes to that too. All I've done is just run away. I ran away from Gold and now I'm running away from the Blues. I'm a coward." I sighed.

"No, you're wrong." she reached over and held onto my hand. "You got back Kamamoto, Kusanagi, Yukari, and Douhan. Now, you're saving Ryuji."

I gave her a hug. "It surprises me that you're the most mature out of all those guys." I laughed. "Thanks Anna."

I tucked her in bed and laid beside her with my eyes still wide open. I stared out the window until my eyes steadily grew heavier. When my eyes had finally closed they immediately burst out when I heard something strange.

"Noa...Noa..."A faint voice called. It was hushed but had a strange dissonant tone, it belonged to neither male nor female.

Could this be the Silver King trying to contact me? It does seem somewhat reasonable since I no longer have my phone. But why so late? Is this an emergency?

"Noa....hurry...hurry..." it sounded more urgent than before.

I slowly got out of bed and slipped out the window. My only source of light was the moon, that hovered over my head. The cold ground brought chills up my body and made my feet go numb. It seemed strangely cold tonight.

I hugged myself as I walked down the alley and into the empty streets. I waited and listened carefully for a sound.

"Noa...follow me...listen..." the voice led me to a street with no lights, it was completely pitch black.

I stood by a dim-light lamp post and hugged it. I could feel my hands and feet trembling, they told me to run but I was strangely attracted to this being calling me.

"Noa...this way...quickly"

I walked in the alley, ready for any attackers but when I reached the end of the alley I suddenly realized where I was. A couple of feet away was the hole that Scepter 4's been trying to break through. I went by the huge ditch and looked down.

Did they break through?

I didn't have any flashlight on me to check how deep it was and throwing a bolt will cause me more trouble. I let out a sigh and began to walk back but then I heard it again.

"Noa, where are you going?" The voice was no longer hushed. In fact it was strong, low, confident and... very familiar.

I quickly spun around, right before me was Dr. Henkel. He gave me a friendly wave but his smile was still just as psychotic as I remembered it.

"I-It's you..." I gulped. I could feel my legs and hands tremble as he took a step closer.

"Now, now don't be afraid my dear. We're old acquaintances aren't we? I remember you, I remember you very well."

"H-How did you know that I was here?"

"My instincts told me. I'm a natural hunter and I always get my prey."

I gained feeling back in my legs and quickly made a run for it but then something grabbed my legs. I fell to the hard ground and tried to get up but it was hopeless. It was like someone was pinning me down.

I looked down at me feet and noticed dark hands coming from my shadow. The hands began to multiply and soon I wasn't able to move. Dr. Henkel stood above me, one of his eyes began to glow as bright green color.

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