Chapter 3 part 3

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Chapter 3 part 3

That night I was invited by the rest of the members to their dorm. All around me they sat with drinks in hand and told stories about their first time working.

Enomoto: How are you liking Scepter 4, Noa?

Me: It's fine. I don't really much to say at this point.

Domyoji: You seemed pretty gloomy today, anything troubling you?

Me: Well, today I caught a kid to help me report an incident but Fushimi got mad and yelled at me. He's such an ass I don't understand how you guys deal with it!

I slammed my drink on the table

Akiyama:*chuckles* Oh, I see. Yeah he can be really harsh and cruel but I feel he does that out of loneliness.

Me: What do you mean? You guys are a team, aren't you?

Akiyama: Erm...only as workers. He doesn't really hang out with anyone here.

Hidaka: Yeah, he's a pretty gloomy person to be around but I do feel bad for the guy.

Me: Did you guys even ask him over to hang out?

Benzai: We've asked him numerous times but he always declines.

Me: Well...

Akiyama: Give it some time. You'll probably see a different side of him since you'll be working under him.

Me: Okay. What about the Commander and Awashima? Do you guys hang out with them?

All the member put on a disturbed face and looked away from me.

Hidaka: That's a whole different level of social interaction.

Me: No fun, huh?

Goto: It's...just a bit odd having them around during parties.

Domyoji: Yeah, I can't breath easily when I'm around those three.

Me: Yeah, I just survived a day of training with Awashima. My limbs still hurt from all those exercises. I've never moved so much in my life.

Fuse: Well, you'll eventually catch on. It has horrendous for us too on our first days.

Hidaka: Ha! We didn't have to run wth the commander, thank heavens for that!

Akiyama: I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna head to bed. I've had a pretty busy day and I have training tomorrow.

Me: Wait for me! I'll walk with you.

I chugged down my juice and ran after him. I looked back and waved the guys good bye as I followed Akiyama.

"You tired?" He asked as we walked down the dark hall.

"A bit. I wish I had a roommate like you guys. Having a dorm to myself isn't really as fun as I thought it'd be. It's pretty lonely."

"That's another thing about Fushimi-san, he's always alone even when he sleeps."

Finally we reached his room. He waited by the door and asked me if I wanted him to walk me back to my dorm.

"No, it's fine. It's not like I'm gonna get attacked out there. Good night." I waved to him as I headed my way to the exit.

I opened the door and shivered from the chill of the night. I walked passed the main building of Scepter 4 and saw a small light inside. I sneaked into the building and tip toed my way inside. I stuck my head in the room and found someone still working on the computer.

I slowly approached the person, Trying to be as quiet as possible. All I wanted was to see who it was. When I lifted my foot, I was surprised to have stepped on a pile of books. I tired to avoid them but my legs got tangled and slipped into the pile.

"Tch, now I'm gonna have to pick all that up." Fushimi complained as he turned his chair around, viewing me in an upside down angle.

I rolled over and quickly sat up. I picked up the books and dumped them back into a clumped tower.

He simply clicked his tongue from my efforts and went back to work. I stood back up and tried to take a look at what he was working on.

"So what are you doing there?" I chuckled nervously.

"Trying to finish up my reports before I head back to bed." He continued on typing.

I looked over to the many empty cans of coffee, he had scattered all over his area. I dragged over a chair and sat across from him. He briefly glanced at me and continued on typing.

"I-I just wanted to say...sorry." His eyes finally left the screen. He took another sip of coffee and kicked back in his chair.

"I'm sorry for not following orders and for zapping you but that guy was really unintentional. I had no idea that-"

"Alright, that's enough. You can stop right there." he interrupted me holding his hand up.

"I really didn't know that you knew him. Don't worry I won't ask about what happened in the past." I rested my chin on his table and smiled up at him.

"Weren't you headed off to bed or something?" his fingers tapped hard on the keys.

"I think I'll just hang around here for a while. I'm not that sleepy yet."

The whole night I continued to have a conversation with him even though most of my responses were grunts and yeahs.

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