Chapter 19 part 3

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Chapter 19 part 3

Scepter 4

By the time night came, everyone was finally dismissed. Everyone hurried off to the showers in hopes of getting to bed early. Everyone evacuated the room except for Fushimi and Awashima.

"Are you still going to stay here?" Awashima asked as she was cleaning up her work.

"Yeah, I'm just going to finish up this report before I get some sleep." He replied not even bothering to look at her.

"Well then I need you to lock this place up since we have to be more careful now."

"Isn't that was janitors are here for?"

"You can't really trust anyone anymore."

"You got that right."

"I'm guessing that you had no luck in finding Noa."

"Tch! She's not really relevant right now."

"If you look at it like that." Awashima gathered up her things and left the room.

"Are you done with your work yet? Hey N-" he stopped when he suddenly realized that he was the only one in the room.

Fushimi sat back in his chair and let out an exhausted groan. He put his feet up on his desk and took out his phone. He flipped through his contacts and tried once again to call her.

Once again, all he could talk to was her voice mail. He ended the call and slammed his phone on the desk.

"That damn girl, where the hell could she have possibly gone. This wasn't our first fight." he groaned to himself.

"It is indeed. Maybe she upset with your attitude and harsh treatment." Munakata said as he entered in the room.

"What is it?"

"You guys always seemed to fix your problems on your own. I think she disappeared for a different reason."

"What are talking about? It's too late for this."

"Think about it, when you two were talking to each other she simply put up with you and you put up with her. She didn't run away that time so this must be different. To me it was pretty clear that she was against our mission to arrest Ryuji. Besides she's been helping him avoid our patrols."

"Why didn't you do anything about it?"

"My original plan was to give her false information and trap him when he was going back to his base to warn the others. P when you two were out on patrol I sent out others to follow from afar and see if they could find Ryuji. Several times Noa would be texting or calling him what to do. I wanted to catch him and the rest of his team in one attack."

"Why didn't you just hold her as a hostage and force him to give up?"

"That's where our minds differ. You may not have a problem doing that but I do. Besides I still needed her abilities and trust."

"What are we to do now?"

"I plan to visit Gold Clan tomorrow. There's some business that we must discuss. You should sleep we have a busy schedule tomorrow."


Yukari and Douhan voluntarily gave up their beds to us and went to the living room to sleep. The beds were warm, soft and had a faint scent of cologne. They were beautiful, however my only problem was that I couldn't sleep.

I looked at the clock and felt that I should really get some rest since tomorrow was the mission. After a couple of attempts of rolling around, I got up from my bed and went over to the small window. They're bedrooms went up to the first floor so I was able to sit on the ledge and watch the night sky.

As I looked at my dangling legs, I reached into my pocket and looked over at my phone. It says that I missed calls, when I looked over the number I suddenly realized that it was Fushimi's.

He called my phone several times.

I had a strange urge to call back but I quickly came back to my senses and threw it back on the bed.

"Why does life have to be so difficult? " I sighed.

"Don't tell me you're planning to kill yourself." Yukari chuckled.

I quickly pulled down my nightshirt and hissed at him to leave.

"Jeez,can't you knock?!"

"Hey, this is my room and there's no need to freak. I've seen women naked already, this really is nothing new." Yukari walked over and sat on the window ledge with me.

"Anyways, what were you badgering about?" He said as he handed me an already bitten apple. "Don't worry I'm clean."

I took a bite and handed it back to him.

"My partner in Scepter 4 has been calling me this whole time. I don't know if he's pissed at me or worried. Most likely it's the first one."

"What's this clan number two?"

"Hey don't rub it in! He's totally mad at me right now. He'll probably kill me once he sees me in the street and if he doesn't Gold will or worse my boss."

"Well your death will surely be interesting...when your an old lady that is."


"I don't that they'll kill you. They need you and I feel that you need them too. You'll find a way, quit worrying about it."

"I hope you're right. I don't know if he could ever forgive me..." I'm sure why but I just spontaneously started crying.

"F-Fushimi's never going to forgive for what I'm about to do. I-I can't.... I can't face him, h-he...he's gonna be so mad at me! He's not gonna....he doesn't...."

Yukari put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder.

"Easy there, squirt. Don't get so down all of a sudden, you're not a fortune teller so how do you know that it'll end like that? How could a man look square into a girl's eyes and tell her that he hates her?" he said in a soft voice.

Yukari stayed by me until I began to feel more and more sleepy.

Blue Heart: K ProjectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang