Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Seek and Capture

The next morning I was finally released and was sent off to work. I put my uniform on and headed down to the cafeteria. Fushimi wasn't there yet so I decided to have breakfast by myself.

I went by the kitchen where Kamo and Domyoji were making food. I sat beside Domyoji while Kamo was fluttering around the kitchen.

"Noa, you're back! You look alot better, except for that blue mark on your forehead. Need any ice?" Domyoji hanged his arm over my shoulder.

"I'll be alright. Hey, what's Kamo-kun making?" I inhaled the air which had a sweet scent to it.

"We're having cupcakes for breakfast today! You're pretty early today." Domyoji took out a cook book and showed me the cupcakes that they were making.

"Wow, you guys must have woken up pretty early for this!"

"Well, I couldn't really go back to sleep with someone pestering me to wake up." Kamo sighed.

"Can I help? I used to help bake back in Gold, besides I love decorating cupcakes."

Kamo motioned me to come over and take care of the ones that were cooling off. Soon Domyoji joined me and started helping by coating the cupcakes with icing. Once they were done, Domyoji and I leaned on each other, trying not to fall asleep.

"I'm really beat. Who knew cooking takes alot of energy out of you." Domyoji babbled as he ate his cupcake.

I, on the other hand was drifting to sleep and only took one bite out of mine. Domyoji shook me a bit to wake me up.

"How much time is there left?" I grumbled.

"We have about ten minutes until we have to go to work." he yawned.


When both had fallen asleep, Kamo finished washing the dishes and moved the two sleepers to a table.

Within a couple of minutes the cafeteria was slowly getting packed. Fushimi walked in with Akiyama looking for Noa.

When they came across the table, his eyes darted straight for Kamo, who was sipping his coffee and reading the paper.

"What happened here?" Akiyama poked Noa's forehead but she slapped his hand away.

"Both came in early in the morning just so they could bake." Kamo pushed a platter full of cupcakes over to them.

"Tch! Noa, wake up or else we're gonna be swarmed with work and wake up even earlier!" Fushimi yelled but the speakers in the cafeteria were much louder.

"Emergency dispatch! Emergency dispatch!" it echoed in every hall causing to the two sleepers to wake.


"What's going on?" I yawned.

"There's a strain causing trouble. This is your mission." Fushimi ran over to the exit door.

Still half asleep I tried to pick up speed, I felt pretty dazed and had no idea what was going on. Once I reached our ride, I dragged my body up and fit myself in the crammed seats.

"Any idea who this strain is?" Goto asked.

"There was a sighting of Ume Ryuji running out of a burning building along with his followers." Fushimi answered as he looked through his tablet.

He then flipped it over and showed the map of the city and a small dot where Ryuji was at.

"If we block these two roads he'll have no choice but to head straight where we can arrest him. It's best to keep a distance between yourself and him."

"What's his power?" I asked him

"According to Hidaka's report he emits black smoke that can put you in a horrific illusion like a nightmare. But only if you stand too close to him he can affect you. Also stay away from big shadows and keep light with you."

Just by hearing that one report I was staking to shake a bit. Who knew that nice guy could be so scary. When we reached the city, Munakata was already there waiting for us.

"Fushimi-kun, gather up your team and block the two roads. Lead him over here and make sure Homra doesn't get involved, he's a block away from them. We don't want a bigger fight."

Fushimi led us to the two streets where Ryuji was running down.

"Benzai, Domyoji, Kamo, and Goto you take that street. Akiyama, Fuse, Enomoto and Hidaka stay on this side with me." Fushimi ordered.

"What about me?"

"You're bait." He answered briefly

"Wait, what? No! Why me? He could kill me or something, don't tell me that this is punishment too!" My voice quivered in fear.

"Look you can keep him distracted just by your appearance alone. He had no idea that you joined us besides you need to keep these lamp posts lit or else we're all doomed. Understand?"

"Really you're not making me feel better." he clicked his tongue and placed me in the middle of the street while the others hid.

I waited there with my hand on my sword ready to attack but my hands were shaking so much that it was rattling.

"Noa, stop shaking! You're making me nervous!" Hidaka hissed.

"Hey you try being bait! I'm stressed just thinking about it!" I whispered loudly.

"Both of you stop it! Now's not the time!" Kamo scolded us.

Soon I was able to hear footsteps coming closer. My heart began to beat so fast that all the lights began to flicker again.

"Tch, Noa calm down! We're not that far from you. If anything goes wrong, we'll help you." Fushimi whispered.

Strangely the steps turned into the sounds of wheels rolling, immediately I began to calm down. Around the corner came Homra.

"Yata! Kamamoto! Hi!" I waved to them. By the look on their faces they seemed to be running from something.

"Noa! What are you doing over there! You have to get out!" Kamamoto yelled to me.

Yata quickly rode by me and tugged my arm.

"Noa, let's go! We have to leave!" He said with his face turning red.

"Wait a minute! I can't leave!"

"Why not?" Shohei ran up to us.

"What's over there?" I asked.

"There seems to be a strain. Anna sensed danger so we all left the bar."

"Homra, get out of the way! You'll ruin our plan!" Domyoji yelled at them.

"You better hold your tongue back!" Yata growled.

"We're here to capture this strain. You better leave or else he's gonna get away again." Fushimi said walking over to Yata. "Or I'll make you leave."

"Guys, you better start running! It's here!" Chitose yelled .

From afar there was a fog of black smoke. It was slowly engulfing the streets and moving fast. I looked over to the lamps making them shine brighter.

Homra finally decided to hide with Scepter 4 leaving me alone once again.

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