Chapter 12 part 2

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Chapter 12 part 2

The two asked me where I came from, so I led them over to the hole I crawled out of.

"So you live underground? Funny, I didn't think you looked the type to play as a hermit." Yukari joked

"I'm not a savage! This hole leads to a beach!"

"It looks pretty sketchy to me. I can barely see anything." Douhan leaned closer to the hole. "Do you think you could lead us back?"

"I'm not really sure how to get back. " I mumbled softly.

"How the hell do you not know?!" Yukari exploded.

"Hey! I was following someone in here but then I passed out and found myself here!"

"Which do you prefer,Yukari? Underground hole or forest?"

"Forest. I feel like I might get stabbed if I go in with her."

"Genius, I don't carry around weapons or use any."

"That's right, you're a strain aren't you?" Douhan asked

"Come on, let's keep going while the sun is still up." As Yukari began to walk off, unexpectedly Douhan threw up on his shoulder.


"You might as well come along. We're both headed to Shizume City."

"I'm from Shizume City!"

"Really? So that means you know your way around the city right?" Yukari paused and walked behind Douhan to face me.


"Then you'll act as our guide there. That way we won't be wasting so much time wondering in the city." His mouth slowly curved to a smirk.

"Any particular reason on why I should even help you guys?"

Yuakri unsheathed his sword and held it right under my throat.

"You know, sometimes I feel like you want me to kill you. This is a personal matter that I'm dealing with. I just simply need a guide that's all."

"Hopefully, we're not after the same target here because they would be really unfortunate." I smiled.

"Come on, you two let's just keep going. My arms are getting sore from just standing here." Douhan complained.

"Sorry, let's just keep moving." Yukari put his sword away and lead us into the forest.



Yata: Damn it! We've been waiting her for hours!

Bando: Hey idiot, it's only been an hour!

Shohei: Both of you, stop fighting. I think everyone is just a bit tensed right now.

Yata: How do we know that this bastard didn't just fall asleep!?

Eric: We should just call Kusanagi.

Chitose: Nice one Eric! We can just get Anna to track her down!

Kamamoto: Here, I'll use my phone to call them.

Ryuji suddenly makes a loud gasping noise and falls on his forearms, coughing.

Kamamoto: Ryuji, are you alright?

Ryuji: Someone of great power had Noa. Tha last thing I saw was that she was climbing out of a hole and never came back. I feel that someone greater was in here.

Yata: Like?

Ryuji: It's definitely the presence of a king maybe even more than one king here.

Bando: Who else could possibly be down here?

Ryuji: I'm not sure but someone was down here. Someone was walking down my tunnels, all my shadows can feel who has walked through. But I might have a good idea on which king is currently here.

Kamamoto: Ryuji...?

Ryuji: The Blues are here! We have to get out now! If they find me then all of my plans are ruined. We'll just run to the hole where Noa escaped.

Yata: I hope you know you're way in the dark.

Ryuji: Quit worrying, if we move out now we might be able to escape without them knowing.


Scepter 4

Fushimi: I can't help but feel that you have no idea where we're going.

Munakata: No not really but I can sense some energy down here. It feels as though the other clan is not that far from us.

Fushimi: This was supposed to be a break for a reason.

Munakata: If you want I'll give an extra day off.

Fushimi: Forget it, I don't really see any point in that.

Munakata's phone rings.

Munakata: Hello? Oh Awashima-kun, what a surprise! Thank you, that's all I needed. You may go back. Hmm? I'm out right now.

Fushimi: We're lost in a tunnel.

Munakata: That's just Fushimi. Yes. Noa's tracker sent me a signal telling me to help her. No need to worry, we should be out of here soon. Alright, thank you.

Fushimi: So what now?

Munakata: As we keep moving, Awashima is gonna try to trace Noa with my computer.

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