Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Preys and Predators

For the past three days the whole team was set on searching for Ryuji and this idea of the strains creating a base. I haven't really seen Ryuji either. Most nights I sneak out to clubbing with Ami and return early in the morning. But I haven't seen him anywhere, it's like he moved out of the city.

The city was finally repaired during this time so now we don't have to wake up that early. Now, it's all about paper work and reading and reading and more damn reading. I'm starting to miss going out to the city.

I've been practicing my powers with the computers during my spare time. So far I blew up two computers and had to pay them by working overtime and with my paycheck. But hacking is getting better though, Munakata found someone who would install a more difficult security code in our system for this whole week just to see if I've progressed.

So far our system is much stronger now, there's no way the strains can steal information from us now. Another practice I've been doing was seeing how

much I can power up. It started off as providing energy for a room but now I can charge an entire building.

But the con of these exercises was that it only enhances my powers even more. I'm gonna have to control my emotions as well if I don't want to send bolts at random people. But other than that things have been fine.

"Good job today everybody! You may all go now!" Awashima announced as our long day was finally over.

"Finally! Time for bed!" I threw my papers down and right when I was about to run off, Fushimi grabbed my coat.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" I growled

"You're not even close to finishing your work!" He placed my pile of paperwork on the table.

"But Awashima..."

"She may be in charge of everyone in this room but I'm put in charge of you. So you still have to do what I say." He got up from his seat and headed out.

"Wait, where are you going?!"

"I have a meeting with the commander, you just stay here and finish up your work." He said and finally left the room.

I sat back down in my seat and read through my papers.


Up in his office, Munakata was looking through a map on his screen. Several dots began to appear throughout the city and were moving rapidly expect for one small group.

A small knock interrupted his concentration.

"You wanted to see me." Fushimi let himself in.

"Yes, I needed to show you something. Come here and take a look at this." Munakata turned the screen over to him.

"Are these the strains?"

"Most of them are. It seems as though they are searching for something but take a look at this certain group."

"I'm guessing that's Ryuji's group."

"Take a better look."

Fushimi skimmed through the screen and noticed that the mysterious group emitted a different color, most likely they belonged to a clan. Over at the bottom, in the streets was a bigger dot.

"If Ryuji's down here then these are clansmen. Do you think it's the silver clan?"

"It could be or it could be members of a different clan, I have a feeling that the golds will be visiting these parts. They must be hunting for Noa still."

"Don't tell me that she's gonna need a bodyguard."

"No, I'm sure she's strong enough to take care of herself. Just keep an eye out for them. Once Kokujoji-san finds out that she's here, I might have to go to a meeting with him."

"So basically you need Noa to stay in the base. What about the break?"

"Don't worry, I'll be taking care of that."


"Senpai is taking a long time. Maybe he ditched me and went off to bed. That bastard!" I grumbled to myself as I put away my stack of papers over at the finished pile.

My phone began to buzz. I took it out and received a text message from Ami, who was probably still working.

Noa, my boss is inventing a new cake for his shop. He's wants someone else's opinion on it, are you free?

Since I am done with my work, I guess it was okay for me to leave now. I replied back saying that I was gonna be there in 10 minutes and hurried back to my dorm to get changed.

Once I turned off all the cameras and made it outside of the gates I turned off my tracker. I closed the gates and turned the cameras back on like nothing had happened.

I walked all the way to the shop, where they had already put up the closed sign but luckily Ami saw me and let me in. Her boss Onodera, greeted me and brought out his latest invention. It was an all chocolate cake. It was chocolate cake with small choco chips and mousse and dark chocolate frosting.

"Wow, Onodera-san this is probably your best invention yet!" I said as I took several more bites of my piece.

"It's settled, I'll be putting this one out tomorrow. Would you like some coffee?"

I nodded and gulped it down to wash away all the chocolate. Ami and I chatted for awhile on our next plans for the break coming up. Once it turned 12, I said farewell and walked back home.

The streets were strangely empty today. Usually there were a couple of cabs driving around or there would be young people clubbing. There were still buildings open but the streets weren't crowded.

"It's pretty late to be walking around, don't you think?" a familiar voice greeted me.

I turned myself around and found Ryuji walking out of the alley way. I sighed in relief and continued to walk. He teleported himself right next to me by using his shadows.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"I was just doing a favor for a friend. You've been gone for quite awhile, what happened?"

"I was in hiding, until things calmed down. But I came out here for a reason. Right now I have several strains walking around here, I just want you to be careful everytime you go out." His voice grew serious.

"Ryuji, what's going on? You're starting to scare me."

"Noa, I sensed someone out here who has greater power than us. I thought that I should warn you. My guess a king is out here but it's not yours, who else would be out here watching us?"

Behind us, I heard a faster pace of footsteps. Ryuji and I both looked at each other and began to run.

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