Chapter 6 part 3

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Chapter 6 part 3

The next morning, I felt sick to my stomach and my head ached. I reached for my phone and decided to call Akiyama to tell Fushimi that I wasn't going to be in.

"I'm just gonna sleep here." I groaned.

"Shouldn't you go see a doctor? You sound terrible."

"Nah, I'll be fine. All I need is a bit more rest and I'll just make up my work tomorrow."

"All right then, feel better."

After we hung up the phone, I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep.


Scepter 4

It was already 9 o'clock and Noa still didn't show up to work. Fushimi began to grow impatient and called her phone several times. Still no answering he decided to move to the cafeteria and ask around.

"Has anyone seen Noa?" He asked his frightened workers.

With the constant answer of "no", he went ahead to their usual work area. There Akiyama found him and told him the news.

"She couldn't have just called me?"

"I don't think she has your number." Akiyama answered gathering all his papers for work.

"Tch! Now I'm late. Is the car even ready?" He looked over to Akiyama.

"Yes and the group is waiting for you."

Both guys went over to the gates where the car and the other officers were already inside. However, no one dared to ask him why he was late since his face showed that he was not starting his day well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

I woke up and found myself in the infirmary. My head was wrapped in a bandage and had an ice pack on.

"Wha-what happened?" I tried to sit back up.

"Thank heavens you're awake! That was a pretty bad fall that you took." Munakata entered the room.

"I sure don't remember coming here."

"Well, you were walking out in the hall and fainted as you were walking down the stairs."

"Heh, that explains the massive headache." I rubbed my head and felt a bump in the back.

"If you're sick then come to the infirmary where theres someone who can take care of you. We don't want anymore sick people falling from the stairs. To be honest you really scared me."

"The funny thing is that I don't even remember what I was trying to get. How long am I going to be out?"

"Not sure but if you just rest I'm sure your cold will go away but as for your head you might want to take it easy for a while."

Before he went out of the door he placed a small basket of decorated fruits by my bedside.

"King!" I called after him. He poked his head back inside waiting for me to speak. "You're a lot better than I expected. I don't hate you." I smiled.

With that in mind, he left in a good mood. By the time night came, I sat up on my bed chewing on a pineapple from my basket. When I was lying in bed all I could think of was work and how the guys were doing but when I was out all I could think of was sleeping.

"Skipped out on work?" Fushimi leaned by the doorpost.

"I'm seriously not faking this, I have no idea how I became sick."

"Tch, next time keep your hair dry when you go out especially at night when it's cooler."

"What brings you here?"

"I heard you fell down a flight of stairs and wanted to see if you were doing okay."

"Aw, you were worried about me? I'm so touched by the warmth you bring here." I laughed. "but really thank you for visiting."

"Well, if they let you out tomorrow then I'll be waiting by the cafeteria." He took something out of his pocket and flicked it over to me.

It was a small ball of paper with numbers on it.

"It's my number. Next time when your sick you call number instead of getting someone to tell me." He said before he departed.

Blue Heart: K ProjectDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora