Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 A Thankful Break

For the past couple of days I've been getting used to how things are run here now. I haven't been getting lost in the buildings, I'm slowly progressing in my Kanji and I've been doing better with my reports. I haven't been on a mission, thankfully, I mainly stayed at the base working on the security guard.

But just as I was getting used to my routine, Awashima came up to me with a new schedule.

"Breaks?" I read one word.

"Yes, you're on break tomorrow. You can do anything you want at this point. Just don't get into any trouble."

I gripped my paper tightly and twirled around the room, rejoicing. Finally, a break! No more early morning wake up calls or papers to read over! That night I quickly went to bed excited for my day to begin.

The next morning, I recieved the clothes from when I first came here. A periwinkle dress with small black dots and frills, black knee highs and black boots. I changed to my only pair of clothes and stormed into the dining hall.

I picked up a parfait and headed to the gates. The gates opened and finally I was free! I began to sprint out of that place and ran all the way to a train station. I went to Shizume City and began to search for this Homra place, I wanted to visit.

I asked around for directions and soon enough I ended up standing in front of a quiet bar. There seemed to be no one inside.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" I tapped on the glass. Still no answer.

I sat outside the bar waiting for someone to show up and open the doors.

"Well, this sucks." I huffed.

"Now that face doesn't suit a peppy girl like you." A voiced spoke from behind.

I turned around and found Ryuji leaning by the glass. I jumped up excited to see him.

"Ryuji! You shouldn't be out here in the open! What if someone sees you?!" I pushed him over to the alley but he easily puffed his chest and remained motionless.

"Don't be silly. A big guy like me can take a few hits." He chuckled pushing me aside and pulling down the bandana that covered his face.

"I hope you know the blues are after you for sneaking out."

"I didn't sneak out. I was saved." he ruffled my hair. I playfully slapped his hand away. "Anyways, aren't you a bit too young to be drinking?"

"Drinking? Oh, I'm waiting for someone but I guess the bar is closed for today."

"Or maybe they're on lunch break." Ryuji walked over to the door and pointed out the sign.

"Oh, well this is embarrassing. Okay so what do you want to do?" I laughed off my mortified faced.

"Let's take a walk. I know a really good ramen shop around here." He lead the way.

Together we walked around the city talking about how we've been doing and more about our powers. When we reached the shop, we sat beside each other and waited for our orders.

"So, I hear that you're starting this rebellion."

"Yeah, I've been rounding up the strains around here and working on a plan to release the other members in prison. I'm sick of being treated different as though I'm a monster." He slipped off his bandana revealing his thick jawline.

"Same here. I can't control my powers well so I sometimes shock the people around me or cause a shortage whenever my heart races. People get so scared of me, I feel bad sometimes." I sighed.

Ryuji nudged my arm and gave me a wide smile which made me smile as well. He held on to my shoulders and pulled my close.

"I promise you that when I lead us to victory we won't be treated like beasts anymore. People will be looking up to us as though we were gods."

Once our food came, he quickly let go and gobbled it down. I was surprised to see how fast both of us ate. I didn't even realize how hungry we were.

As we exited the shop, we headed back down to the city. Ryuji took me out from some shopping since I had nothing else to wear. Within two hours I was holding three bags of clothes and shoes.

"Any idea where to put all of this?"

It suddenly struck me that I still haven't seen Ami. I quickly came by her house and let myself in. Ryuji put down my clothes and preferred to stay outside while I spoke to her.

I walked in the living room, still clean like it was never touched.

"Ami? Ami, are you here?" I called out.

Suddenly I heard the thumping of footsteps coming out of the bedroom.

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