Chapter 10 part 3

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Chapter 10 part 3

With her hair tightening around my throat, I felt my body being lifted from the ground. I kicked my legs and tried to loosen her noose but my efforts were fruitless. I starting to loose consciousness, my head felt light and my eyes felt heavy. Right when I was about to black out a flash of light zoomed past my eyes.

My body dropped to the ground. I gasped for breathe and crawled away from the woman. I then felt someone come up behind me and supported my body up.

"What are you doing here?" I coughed.

"Tch! Is this really the time to be asking questions!?" Fushimi groaned as he came under my arm and lifted me off the floor.

He jumped up to the roof where Awashima was still fighting the old hag. The old lady had the same power as the woman. Fushimi placed me down and ran over to help Awashima.

I looked down the roof where Munakata was fighting the creepy woman. With one swing of his sword the woman was hit and knocked out. While she was still down, he handcuffed her hands and feet. When he looked up her greeted me with a smile.

"Enjoying the view up there? You know you should've called me sooner." He yelled over to me.

"Those won't keep her down. She a lot stronger than that."

"Don't worry, I have back up coming up." He said as he walked over and heaved himself up the roof. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, quit worrying about me."

From behind Awashima and Fushimi came back with the old hag hand cuffed.

"You have guts to fight a member of the blue clan." Munakata waled over to them.

"I don't recall you blues ever hiring a strain assistance." old woman looked straight at me.

"Well, she's an exception. She's actually willing to cooperate...most of the time." Fushimi butted in.

"Ha, she's nothing but trouble. That's what strains are, nothing but trouble. People treat us differently like we're not even humans while clans are acknowledged and praised. It's disgusting."

That night her words, echoed in my head. Once help came, we all went back to the base and locked up the two women in our cells. Munakata forbade me to go down there. Anyways it's not like I would ever do such a thing, I know that she'll only scare me even more.

I laid my room still wide awake. I wasn't that upset that our trip had to end so soon but I was upset that I really was nothing but trouble. I got from my bed decided to walk to our main building. In the control working in the dark was of course, Fushimi.

I dragged over a chair and sat across from him. He just quickly took of glimpse of me and continued on his work.

"You know sleep is far more important than work." I pulled my leg and rested my chin on it.

"Should be thanking me, when break is over we won't have so much work to do."

"There's a reason why it's called a break."

"What do you want?" He finally looked away from his laptop and stretched his back for a brief moment. After that he opened his water bottle and gulped down half of it.

"I'm still awake and I really have nothing to do to make me tired."

"Come on." He got up from his chair taking his hoodie with him. He then looked over to me gestured me to follow.

We went out to the streets and walked down to a small shop that was still open. To my surprise, it was actually an arcade.

"Choose any game you want."

The whole night we played a race car game, some zombie shooting, street fighter and several other random ones until the old man told us to leave. As we walked back to the base, we quickly got some ice cream.

"Thanks for today Senpai, I really needed that." I yawned.

"Sad about your trip?"

"Not really, I'm upset about what that hag said about me. Now that I think about it, everywhere I go I always get into trouble. I might as well not even leave the base."

"Tch, obviously that's why Scepter 4 is here. We're here to stop to chaos, so it's not just you how has a target on the back. We all are risking our lives just by wearing our uniforms, everyone knows our faces. There's no need to be so sad."

"You don't look like the type but your more sensitive than I thought." I laughed to myself.

"But it's true though. We are walking targets." He said looking away.

When we finally reached back to the base, I flopped down on my bed and fell straight to sleep.

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