Chapter 17 part 2

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Chapter 17 part 2

"Mizu, you better answer me right now! What the hell is going on?!" I yelled louder.

"What do you want from us, Isana Yashiro?" Munakata cut off Mizu right when she was about to speak.

"Commander, do you know something?" I quickly turned to him. "where's Ryuji and what's happened to him?!"

"The strains that are attacking you bases are Ryuji's boys. They received a drug that would enhance their abilities from a mysterious scientist." Mizu croaked.

"What?" I gasped

Before I could even scream Fushimi ran up from behind and covered my mouth.

"Commander, we have to leave. I hear something from underneath us." Fushimi looked back to him.

Munakata simply smiled and slightly turned his head over to a door behind us all.

"We all know you're there listening. Be man and fight us, face to face." he said

The door slowly creaked open and through the small crack we were able to see a small red eye staring straight at us. The door opened wider and out came a decrepit person.

His mouth foamed and his eyes were wide and crazy. It looked as though he hadn't slept in days. I squinted my eyes and suddenly realized that this guy was one of Ryuji's men, Marco.

"M-Marco...?" I said removing Fushimi's hand from my mouth.

He didn't answer me. Once he fully opened the door, move savage strains came from behind him. There was probably ten of them all ready to fight.

Munakata and Awashima finally drew out their swords and got into formation. As for the rest, Kokujoji and his two body guards began to show their auras. Homra all began to bring out their flames and The Silver king and his swordsman jumped down to our level.

Within a split second, Marco pointed his finger like a gun and shot bright flashes of light at us. The light didn't really explode but it was so bright that it was hard to get near them. It was too risky for me to shut off the lights, knowing that Ryuji was here.

All the Blues gathered together and created a shield. Ryouta and Takeshi sent out these planet projects and began shooting them near their feet, forcing the others to scatter.

Once most of them were away from Marco, everyone dove into the fight. Yata zoomed in front of everyone, knocking down a few strains until he was stopped by a bulky strain who changed his fists into huge blocks of stone.

Right when he was about to smash him, Kusanagi sent balls of fire at him, afterwards Mizu wrapped her whip around one of his arms and tried to pull him back.

"Noa, look out!" Fushimi yelled as he came running after me.

I jolted back to my senses and realized that there was a strain with bat wings flying right at me. Fushimi quickly threw some of his knives in front of me and created a barrier. Flying over the barrier were smaller bats with bright red eyes and large fangs.

Fushimi stepped in front of me and used his sword to slice them up. Once it was clear, he grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me.

"Noa, now's not the time to be freaking out. It's time to get your shit together, these guys are twice as strong than they used to be!" He yelled.

"Noa, you'll be fine." The Silver King, suddenly appeared behind him.

"You're pretty creepy." Fushimi grumbled.

"It's you, why is this happening? How did you know this was going to happen?" I asked him.

"I'll explain everything. Besides we have someone helping us out right now. The rest of the strains are underground but I have someone distract them while we clear this place."

He smiled warmly.

"Do you even have a plan?" Fushimi butt in.

"Hmm... I haven't really thought ahead. But right now we have to prevent these guys from advancing to their leader."

"You mean Ryuji's not here?" I asked.

"I'm not fully sure who their real leader is." He frowned. "but have no fear we can figure this out."

"Hey Silver King, now would be a good time to use those powers of yours." Kokujoji scolded him and pointed over to the side.

At the side of the room was Kenta. Kenta stared straight into my eyes and snapped his fingers causing the floor to crack.

"The tunnels!" I gasped

The silver king touched our shoulders and suddenly he used his powers to carry us off the ground. Everyone in the room began to float in the air.

"This is amazing!" I laughed, I looked over at the silver king. "Are you real?"

He simply laughed at my question and brought us all onto the outside lot. Everyone embraced the ground once we landed. I turned over to him, wanting to thank him but he suddenly disappeared.

I walked around everyone trying to find this mysterious guy.

"Silver King, where are you?! Hey!" I shouted. " Where did he go? Silver King?!"

Still in heels, I trotted around the lot trying to find this king. Anyone who tried to grab hold of me, I flicked them off and continued to search for him.

"Noa, clam down!" Kokujoji scolded me.

He slowly walked over to me and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Where is he? He could have just walked away, he was right next to me!"

"The Silver King is a very mysterious person. He contains special powers and advantages. The rumor of this immortal king must be true."

"Kokujoji-san, what's happening? Something tells me that you knew about this or what happened to Ryuji."

"Noa!" Munakata called. "Come we must go and check up on the base."

"Noa, please we must head back now." Awashima said in a soft voice.

Fushimi came up and grabbed my hand, however Kokujoji didn't let my shoulder go. He glared at Munakata and Fushimi in a disgusted manner.

"She part of our clan, she goes with us." Fushimi scowled back at him. "Let her go."

"That's for her to decide." Kokujoji looked back down at me. "Noa, I'm sure your leaders here aren't telling you everything. There something you should know about this drug. I'm sure you're familiar with it's effects."

Fushimi ripped me from his grip and began to drag me away. Ryouta and Takeshi were about to attack him but Kokujoji raised his hand to stop them, He remained in his spot as we headed over to our car.

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