Chapter 13 part 2

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Chapter 13 part 2

Up and fighting was Homra's fiercest fighters and Scepter 4's most skillful officers. The mix of red and blue colors overwhelmed the city. It was beautiful but dangerous at the same time. Right across the street was Fushimi fighting off three people at the same time.

"Senpai!" I yelled but he couldn't hear me.

I dropped my bag on the floor and decided to run to them. The street was filled with panicked drivers trying to avoid the fight. No one was paying attention to the lights making it difficult to cross.

Right when I reached the center of the street, I felt something grab my waist and pull me through the air. I was dropped on the other side of the street.

"Thanks for-" I began but then I noticed the uniform he wore and the rabbit ears on his mask.

A couple of feet in front of me was Daichi. I dragged my body furhter away from him and started to charge up just in case he was planning to grab me.

"I was really hoping that you guys gave up on me." I frowned.

"Come on Noa, we don't give up that easily. Kokujoji-san knows that you're part of Sceptor 4."

"So, why does that matter? Kokujoji-san already knows that I quit."

"You can't just discard us like that. Besides what do you know about Sceptor 4's leader, Munakata Reisi?"

I was actually stunned because in truth I really didn't know much about my own leader. But then again, this is Daichi I'm talking to. He's pretty sly.

"Noa, I'm gonna be straight with you. I'm gonna set aside my orders and clansmen.I hate to break it to you but your efforts to erase your past was completely fruitless."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that your being used again. What makes you so special from the rest of the strains? It's your ability and knowledge of the Gold Clan. All he wants is your trust to obtain the information on your fellow clansmen. This is all a trap!"

My head began to ache and my breathing pattern grew irregular. I didn't want to believe it, not a single word. For some reason my body began to shiver, I wrapped arms around myself trying to keep the cold feeling away. All around me the city lights were beginning to flicker rapidly.

"Noa, even though you may not think it, I'm saying this as a friend. I know you more than you think. For christ sake, Noa, I've worked with Kokujoji-san before you even came to us. I know about your history and I understand how you may feel! Please think over your life and decisions!" He yelled as though I was standing far away from him.

What the hell is going on? My head felt as though a hammer was banging on my skull. Although my powers were going way out of control, my body felt very weak like I was being drained from all my energy.

"Noa..." Daichi sighed and stretched his hand out to me.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE! PLEASE JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, causing our whole region to black out.

I don't want to hear anymore of this bullshit!

Without even thinking, I formed some kind of electric wall around myself. No one dared to come close to it, unless they wanted to fry their skin.

"Noa! Noa!" a familiar voice cried out to me.

I quickly turned around, facing Munakata and Fushimi.

"Go away! I don't want to talk to any of you guys!" I screamed as tears rolled down my face.

"Noa, stop it! If you don't get a hold of yourself, you might destroy this part of the city!" Fushimi yelled.

"I don't care! I don't care! Just shut up, won't you! Why should I...Why should I even..." I sobbed.

"Noa, don't believe that bastard! We're on the same team remember? Why the hell should you even be listening to your ex-clansmen!? Their only feeding you even more bullshit!" he argued.

"Noa!" Daichi called from the side, I stared into his eyes with a bewildered expression on my face. "I just wanted to warn you. It's your life, your decision. I will no longer be able to help you, you're on your own now."

With that said, Daichi put on his mask and made his way out. He jumped away from any attacks the other clansmen made and disappeared into the dark.

"I can't...I can't think for myself....I'm so confused." I covered my shameful face with my hands and pressed it against the floor.

"Noa! Noa!" Fushimi kept calling but I couldn't stand to face him.

"Please, please stop this. I don't think I can stop." I whispered to myself.

"There's no need to be afraid. Your strong enough to fend for yourself." Said an unfamiliar voice.

I quickly lifted my head and gazed at the wondrous light shining right before my eyes. White light began to take over all the darkness that once surrounded me. Inside the glorious light was a figure of a man walking towards me.

"Don't...Don't come any closer!" my voice quivered.

Amazingly, his attack completely destroyed my barrier. Once he stood right in front of me, he held out his hand to me. Although I couldn't make out his face, all my fears began to melt away and I suddenly felt safe again. Just by staring at him I could feel how strong this guy was, it was overwhelming.

I was frozen to the core. He simply flashed me a smile and pulled me up. He carefully touched my face and wiped away my tears.

"I...I..." I sniffled, trying to find the right words to say to him.

"I wanted to thank you for your determination, you may not think it but you're strong. I know that you can pull through, just you wait everything will be alright." He smiled cheerfully and turned around to leave.

"Hey wait!" I called but within a split second he disappeared leaving us back in the dark and dust flying in the air.

"Noa!" Fushimi suddenly got behind and pulled me close to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and suddenly sprinted out of the mess.


"Noa, glad to see your alright. We're retreating right now." Munakata informed me.

"Tch! We've got some serious talking to do tonight." Fushimi grumbled under his breath.

Even though I was in big trouble, I had a strange feeling of happiness bubble up inside of me.

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