Chapter 8 part 2

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Chapter 8 part 2

Domyoji: Come on, Noa this is what bonding events are all about. It's to get to know each other more.

Me: Well, does anybody know anything about the Commander over there?

Fushimi: He has a family with an older brother.

Me: Really? Is he like you?

Munakata: No, not really. I don't see why it's such a big shock to everyone.

Hidaka: You can just tell us small things about yourself. Like what's your family like?

Me: Hmm, I don't know if you guys count this but though we're not related I have 12 siblings. 8 brothers and 4 sisters. I never knew my parents since I was raised in a special facility.

Awashima: A lab? Did your parents...

Me: My parents gave me up, I guess they were too scared of me. I guess it was for the best because I couldn't control it. I don't really care anymore.

Munakata: Well, Scepter 4 will be your new family. Just think of me as your father!


Fushimi: What were these facilities supposed to do? It's pretty clear that you can't control it still.

Me: It was basically conditioning and tests to enhance our powers, which is why I can't control it. I had more siblings but most of them died from it. It's pretty shady business if you ask me.

Benzai: So you're not a murderer?

Me: Hmm, well I'll save that story for another bonding event. Besides do we take trips in Scepter 4?

Fushimi: Have you seen how busy we are everyday?

Kamo: With Ryuji still on the loose it'll be pretty risky to just take a leave.

Awashima: Don't worry Noa, if you want we'll take a trip during this break coming up.

Me: Really?! Where should we go? Anyone know somewhere nice and relaxing?

Akiyama: I know there's a nice spa. They have great food, sauna, great view, and many sports to play there.

Fushimi: Can we stop with the girl chat and talk about something else?

Me: Senpai, you're so gloomy!

Fushimi: This is not what I meant. You two can make plans on your own time.

Right after that discussion everyone began to talk about the break coming up. They all began to plan their visiting spots and what to pack. But throughout their plans I noticed that Fushimi didn't really want to discuss his plans with anyone.

"Senpai, what about you?" I asked him as everyone kept chatting.

"What about me?" He gave me an attitude.

"Are you doing anything this break?"

"Tch, I have plans of my own. Quit fussing over me." He sipped his drink trying to avoid the conversation.

I had a feeling that the reason why he didn't want to talk about it was because he was going to be alone this break. I felt strangely guilty for bringing it up and sad from imagining him all alone.

"Senpai?" I called him again.

"Tch, what? What is it?"

"If you had any spare time in your schedule, would you like to spend time with me during the break?"

"No" he flat out denied me.

I stared at him, with my mouth gaping. Kamo shut it for me and patted my back. Benzai looked at me in pity while Domyoji chuckled to himself. Everyone else just glanced at me awkwardly. The feeling of humiliation spread all over me, even the Commander was watching!

How could he deny me? You obviously have nothing better to do anyway!!

"You're such a turtle." I grumbled as I drank the rest of my juice.

Once dinner was done, we head back in the truck. I didn't bother looking or even speaking to anyone. It wasn't like I was mad at them for laughing, I was just so embarrassed it was hard just to look at them.

When we arrived back to the base, I quickly jumped out of the truck and ran all the way back to my dorm. I dropped my body on the bed and screamed in my pillow. Then came a soft knock on my door. I pulled myself up and went to see who it was.

"Are you alright? You sounded like you were being torture by someone." Awashima asked kindly with a hint of laughter in her voice.

"I was just revealing stress is all."

"Come with me, you look like you need some cheering up." She smiled as she dragged me out of the dorm.

We took one of the cars and drove down to the Homra bar. There Kusanagi was polishing one of his glasses as the boys were playing video games.

"This is one of my favorite bars." She said, exiting the car.

Once we entered, Kusanagi had a wide smile on his face and greeted us with an enthusiastic hello. I looked over and noticed Anna sitting by herself. I plopped onto the seat right next to her as Awashima sat beside me.

For some reason just coming here and seeing everybody instantly made me happy again. My anger had melted away once I got talking again.

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