Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 You Hollow Wreck

For the past two days I spent most of my time locked in my room. I didn't feel like coming out to deal with the others or explaining what happened yesterday. I only came out to get some kind of snack or to take a bath.

Awashima even stopped by to see me but every time she came over I pretended to be asleep. Soon she stopped coming over to check up on me. I even turned off my phone to keep everyone away.

I crawled out of bed and looked over my calendar. Tomorrow was my last day of break and then it was back to work with that bastard. After my isolation stage, I finally picked up my phone and turned it on. Right when the screen had awoken from it's long rest, I realized that my phone was filled with messages.

Most of them were from Ami, Awashima, Ryuji, members of Scepter 4 and Yukari. I didn't bother to reply to anyone except for Ami. I hesitated to call her but then I figured that it would be best for me to get out of this place.

"Ami? It's me, Noa." I said in a dreary tone

"Noa, where have you been? Are you sick?"

"No, I'm fine...I's just that...I was...there was..." I stammered, I did't know whether I should tell her or just forget about it and enjoy my day.

"I figured that something was wrong. You're my friend, Noa. I can tell when something's wrong. Why don't we go out and have some fun?"

"Could you pick me up? I don't feel like talking to anyone here."

"Sure thing, I'll be there by 3."

Once I hung up, I went over to my closet and began to get dressed. Seeing how warm it was, I decided to dress in a lazy fashion. I just wore a light cropped long-sleeves shirt, thin stockings, shorts and ankle boots. When I was finally done I braided my hair into two twin-tail braids and sneaked out my door.

I made sure that no one saw me get out of my room. Before I exited the dorm, I checked around just in case. When I felt that it was safe and clear, I ran over to the main gates and let myself out. I waited by the gates until I saw Ami's car pull over.

"Hey stranger!" she greeted.

"Thanks alot Ami, I could really use some fresh air." I jumped into my seat and opened up my window as she began to drive off.

"No problem. So what do you want to do today?"

"I'm not sure. All I did for the past two days was stay in my dorm, I couldn't get out."

"Noa, is there something you want to tell me? You're eyes look tired."

"I got into a fight with Fushimi. He said some harsh things that I can't shake off and on top of that I saw Daichi again."

"Daichi? What did he want or say?"

"He told me that it's all happening again. There's really no way to erase the past is there?"

"I'm afraid not, we all have to deal with it some how. I'm very sorry, Noa."

"But aside from all those there was some good things that happened that night."

"Oh really? Like what?"

"I was saved by someone. I have a strange feeling that it was someone that I've been searching for. He even thanked me for my determination."

"Are you talking about thie King?"

"The silver king, I'm sure it was him. I felt his aura, he's more powerful than I thought. A bright light shined behind him when he approached me so I couldn't really see his face. But man, he sure was dreamy."

"What happened after that?"

"I don't really know. He just disappeared after he saved me."

"He sure sounds like a knight to me. Next time you meet this hero, please do send me a picture of him."

Ami drove us to meet at the bar she worked and had some deserts. We tried out her boss's new inventions and even made a cake of our own. After that we went to the mall and other little stores to go shopping.

By the time sunset came, Ami agreed to drive me back to the gates. When we finally arrived, I sat in her car for a couple of minutes. In a way I wanted to go back to rest but then again I didn't want to return there.

"You know, you can spend the night at my place. I feel that you'll be even more stressed when you're alone. I don't want you to destroy yourself." Ami comforted me with her sweet airy voice.

Out of nowhere, I started to cry. I couldn't find the words to thank her I just sat in my seat crying. Ami leaned over and hugged me tightly.

"I know you've been through alot. You really look like you need the rest and proper care."

Ami turned the car around and drove us to her apartment. That night I told her everything that had happened and cried for a solid hour. After letting out all my sadness, we decided to watch some sad movies and tv dramas to get my mind off of the situation.

"Everything will work out in the end." she said as she was braiding my hair.

"What should I do? I don't know if I could Munakata anymore. What if Daichi was right?" I reached for a tissue and wiped my eyes.

"Why not talk it over with Daichi? I'd love to hear what he has to say about this and his reasons for thinking that."

"I feel like you always want to know what's on his mind."

"Of course, we were together for a few months. Out of everyone, I trust him most not because we were together but the fact that he's honest." Ami sounded dazed as though she was reminiscing about the past.

"If you want we can both see him." I suggested but Ami just laughed nervously.

"Oh god, Noa! No way, have you seen me? I'm not ready to see him any time soon. I prefer that we never cross paths ever again." she giggled awkwardly.


"Let's focus on your situation for now." she quickly cut me off.

I took out my cell phone and messaged Daichi to meet up with me in private. He gladly agreed and planned to meet up in the park early in the morning.

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