Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Relax

As everyone paraded out in the sun, Fuse remembered their whole reason for going in the tunnel.

"Weren't we supposed to be looking for Noa and the strain?" he pointed out

Everyone grew silent and had wide gaping faces once they all remembered the horrors in the tunnels.

"We can't just go back! What if we get lost again?" Domyoji moved by the hole and pointed down at it. "do you seriously want to go back down there?!"

A hand reached out and grabbed his leg, pulling him down but Kamo quickly held on to his arm.

"It's the beast from the dark!" Domyoji yelled.

"Tch, for shit's sake." Fushimi reached his arm in the hole and pulled out the mystery person.

Bando was dragged out still holding on to Noa, still half-asleep. Noa winced once the sun hit her eyes.

"Bando, how are you the only one here? Abd how did you find Noa?" Fushimi asked.

"All you had to do was get caught and you'd be brought to Noa. Looks like he tricked all of us." Bando chuckled as he pulled up Noa and handed her over to Munakata.

"I believe this belongs to you." Once he handed her a huge explosion was sighted a few feet away from them.

Crawling out of the hole was the Homra team led by Kusanagi and Anna. The members heaved themselves up and laid on the ground panting.

"Bando? How the hell did you get out?" Yata yelled once he caught sight of him.

"You're the bastards that left me to die in the first place! What kind of friends are you guys!?" Bando walked over to them.


From the rays of the sun, I woke up from my light sleep and jolted once I saw Munakata's face.

"What the-?!" I examined my surroundings and was pretty shocked to be out.

"Good afternoon, Noa." Munakata smiled.

I awkwardly smiled back and looked at everybody's disappointed faces.

"Why is everyone so depressed?"

"I'll explain to you tonight in another bonding event to lift our spirits from today's unfortunate event." Munakata smiled brightly but everyone else seemed gloomy.

Once we got back to the base, everyone went back to work reporting today's mission. When we finished all the work, everyone was forced to attend tonight's dinner. I wore a light pink, ruffly dress and tied my hair up in a pony tail.

I sneaked over to the boy's dorm and knocked on Fushimi's door. I wanted to make sure that he was going, so he wouldn't be so gloomy and depressing. I knocked on the door several more times.

"Noa, what are you doing here? This is the boys dorm." Hidaka spotted me by the door.

"I wanted Senpai to join us. I feel bad that he's always alone." I looked down at my feet. I then saw a shadow right behind Hidaka's feet.

I looked over and smiled once Fushimi showed up. His hair was wet and had a small towel on his head.

"What are you two gathering here for?"

"I wanted to make sure you were coming!" I saluted him.

"I just saw her here." Hidaka pointed down at me.

"Damn it, I'm going okay. Awashima scolded me earlier and forced me to come as well." he grabbed my shoulder and scooted me away. "Now go back to your dorm."

Once everyone was dressed, we all waited by the gates. A truck came up with Awashima and Munakata already inside. Everyone reluctantly hopped inside and were driven to a traditional sushi shop.

"I've never been here before." I gasped as I walked around observing the place. With my excitement boosting up, the lights in the restaurant grew brighter.

The waiter escorted us to our own small private room. We had our shoes taken off and knelt by the table. I sat beside Kamo and Benzai, across from me were Awashima, Fushimi and Akiyama. The rest of the guys wanted to sit as far from the commander as possible.

"Can I order one of everything?" I flipped through the menu, salivating from the pictures of food.

Kamo picked up a napkin and began to wipe my face.

"I'm pretty sure you can, besides this goes all to Scepter 4." Benzai informed me.

"Wait, so I can eat as much as I want? And Scepter 4 will pay for it?"

"Pretty much, but this isn't really a regular thing. We mainly do this at the end of the year or certain holidays." Benzai borrowed the menu from my hands and began to write down his orders.

"Well, since this is your first time outside with your fellow team I'll buy anyone here, who is of legal age, a drink." Munakata said with his usual friendly grin.

I fulfilled my wish and ordered almost everything on the menu. Half the time Kamo had to work left and right, since Domyoji tried to sneak a drink and I almost choked to death on a salmon roll.

Once everyone was done with their food a bit drunk, we all sat back and began to talk a bit. Since they were mostly drunk, I was really hoping for someone to say or do something funny. Especially the commander, it would really make my night. But instead everyone was more curious to talk about me and my past, since no one really got the whole story.

But I wasn't going to give it away that easily. I wanted to tell someone that I completely trusted. Although I loved them, I wasn't sure if this was a good dinner subject.

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