Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Up the Rabbit Hole


I could feel small droplets of cold water hit my face. I rubbed it off and rolled off to avoid any more drops but I didn't notice that I was sleeping on a flat rock so I ended up falling off. I landed on my back and gasped for air.

Now that I was fully awake, I pulled myself up and patted the dirt off my dress. I rubbed my head and tried to remember what happened here. All I could remember was that as I was walking in the cave I suddenly felt scared and sent signals back to the base. After that I couldn't remember a thing.

"Where am I? Am I still near the beach?" I asked to the imaginary people around me.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed that there was a ray of light, there has to be a hole over there. I ran over to the lighted and with shaky arms I heaved my body back on grass.

"Finally...light and fresh air!" I rejoiced as I jumped back to my feet and began to skip around the tree that stood beside the hole.

"But...where am I?"

From the corner of my eye I caught sight of a building. It looked old but elegant. Hoping that there was someone inside, I skipped over to the building and knocked on the door.

"Nobody's home, hon!" a voiced teased.

I quickly spun around to face the speaker. A man appeared from the forest with a long sword in hand and a frightening look on his face. With a blade that huge he could cut me easily. I began to panic and accidentally let out a bolt. With him distracted I ran into the forest.

I pushed through the bushes and tree branches in my way. My arms and hands started to get thin scratches from all of the branches. I suddenly bumped into something hard and stiff. I was back fired onto the rich green grass and when I looked up I screamed at the sight of a masked man.

I scrambled back to my feet and sprinted back over to the building. Without hesitation, I smashed one of the windows and crawled in. Ignoring the glass on the floor, I ran upstairs and hid in a random room, locking myself in.

"Where'd she go?" I heard their muffled voices outside.

"I'm not sure. Once she saw me, she screamed at my face and ran off. My guess is that she ran back in the house."

"What makes you say that?"

"I heard a glass break. Come on let's go check it out."

Once I heard banging and a door break down, I reached for my cellphone and tired to call someone back at the base.

"Crap! No signal!" I squealed quietly

When I heard footsteps in the house, I carefully tiptoed to the window. The window was so old that it began squeaking when I tried opening it and breaking the glass would be really foolish.

"If I stay here, I'll still be found so I might as well open it quickly."

The window was already half way open, just a bit more then I could squeeze myself through. Again I tried to push it up one more time, once there a bit more room I stuck my head out and forced the rest of my body through.

With my chest and arms out, I immediately froze when I heard the door knob rattle.

Oh shit! Please go away! Please go away!

"Huh, it's locked." After a moment of silence a loud bang hit the door.

I was so startled that I let out yelp. The banging suddenly stopped after my cry, very grew very quiet. All of a sudden a blade pierced through the door, breaking it into a million pieces. I tried pulling myself out but I was caught on something.

"Damn it!" I yelled. I turned my body to face them and began to fire bolts at them.

Both the men jumped out of the way but the man with the sword cam running at me. I was so scared at my powers were going out of control again, luckily the electricity was able to break the window frame. I tumbled onto the roof and began as far as I could.

As I was running, something burst from the roof. The guy with the mask poked his head out of the hole, but I immediately ran over and stomped on his head.

"Hell no! You stay down there!" I hollered at him.

"Yukari, a bit of help here!" he yelled and out of nowhere the guy with the sword dashed to me. With his sword still in it's sheath, he swung his sword like a baseball bat and made me tumble down the roof.

I quickly grabbed on the edge. I had no idea how far the jump was going to be or if there was something soft for me to land on.

"S-Someone please! Save me!" I tried to pull myself up but I didn't have anymore strength left in me.

"Well, well looks like we win. That's not a pretty sight to see." The with the sword called from below.

"Quit staring you creep!"

"Hey, you attacked us first." The man with the mask added as he climbed out of a window.

My arms were starting to hurt and my fingers were slipping. I turned my head to take a look at the ground, even if I did let go theres no way for me to escape.

"Give up already, I think it's pretty clear that you have no chance." the swordsman smiled.

He came up closer and held up his arms.

"Come on, I'll catch you."

"I don't know who you are and to be honest I don't really trust you!"

"Yeah well I don't really trust you either. How do I know that you're not going to shock me once you drop? Come on, just drop already my arms are getting tired."

Reluctantly I loosened my grip and landed in his long arms. I looked up and surprisingly blushed to see how beautiful this man was.

"I'm Yukari and he's Douhan."

"I'm...Noa. And could you please put me down."

Once he set me down I tried to run away but Douhan quickly grabbed onto my shoulders and tied my hands behind my back.

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