Chapter 6 part 2

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Chapter 6 part 2

Everyone was there wearing their casual attire, even the commander. I for one was the only person who was not properly dressed. I stood in front of everyone wearing my nightdress and pink sweater.

"Good evening Noa, care to play with us?" Munakata gestured me to sit with them.

"What's going on in here?"

"This is our bonding time as a team, I thought that you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you." he smiled.

"I just wanted to have some ice cream to treat myself. But since I'm interrupting I'm just gonna go to a store to buy one." I chuckled awkwardly and tried to leave but Hidaka and Domyoji caught me and placed me down on a seat.

"Nonsense since you're in our group YOU SHOULD STAY." they emphasized the you part.

Akiyama scooped up a bowl of ice cream and scoot it over to me. Before I could even take a bite I began to sneeze frantically.

"You shouldn't walk around with your hair still wet, you'll catch a cold." Fushimi passed by and dropped a small towel on my head.

"Fushimi-kun, why don't you join us?" Munakata smiled brightly, making me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Tch, I have better things to do." He went into the kitchen.

"Don't we all?" Domyoji mumbled next to me.

I ruffled the towel on my hair for a couple of minutes until it was somewhat dry. When Fushimi came back out he glared at everyone in the room, who were all giving him a look to stay.

I got up from my seat and dragged over another chair. I then went over to Fushimi and tugged his arm.

"Come on Senpai! Please it'll be fun!" I smiled acting like a child.

"Noa, we have work early in the damn morning. At this point I'd rather bail and get some rest." He frowned.

"Tch! And why the hell are you always in damn pajamas?!" He added trying to shake me off.

"Then why don't we make this interesting. If you win two games then I'll delay your time, how bout it?" Munakata proposed.

"Fine by me!" I quickly hopped back to my seat.

Fushimi ran his hand through his hair and let out a loud sigh. Finally he walked over and sat beside me.

"So what's the game?" Fushimi grumbled.

"I've thought up some interesting challenges." Munakata brought out a chess board from under the table.

"Whose up first?"

I scooted to the seat across from thus starting the game. But this was like any ordinary game, he was good a bit too good. He played calmly like he knew what I was thinking. The more stressed I grew the more the lights began to flicker.

"This isn't fair! He knows all of my moves!" I whined.

"Maybe if you calm yourself down, the the lights wouldn't be flickering so much." Fushimi said taking a sip from his drink.

Within a couple of minutes my game ended with disgrace in my face. I think everyone knew that I was going to lose. I sat back and continued to finish my ice cream as Fushimi took his turn.

Within a couple of minutes Fushimi was done with his turn.

"H-how did you beat him?" Fushimi ignored my question and went back to sit beside.

"I too am impressed. Looks like you don't need to wake up early tomorrow." Munakata applaud him.

"Wait a minute, I want another challenge!" I shot up from my seat.

"Sit down, you'll only embarrass yourself." Fushimi tugged on my hood, trying to make me sit down.

Awashima came in with a mountain of red bean paste and placed it on the table along with a few other dishes she prepared.

"Since you asked for another challenge, if you eat all the red bean paste in three minutes then I'll delay your time." Munakata laughed.

"You'd be pretty stupid to-" Hidaka began to chuckle

"I'll do it!" I got up

" WHAT?!" everyone gasped

"It's fine, it's fine I love sweets." I smiled.

I sat down and waited for Munakata's signal.

"3...2...1 Start!"

With my spoon in hand I began to take it huge portions of the paste, trying to take in as much as I can. All my efforts were paying off since within a minute most of it was already gone. By two minutes and fifty eight seconds I finished it all.

I laid my head on the table, completely exhausted. I reached over to take a drink of water and then looked over at Munakata.

"I didn't really expect that..." Fushimi said still in shock.

"Well, I guess you both get to sleep in. But only for tomorrow."

"What?!" Fushimi and I both sat up.

"If this deal was for the whole week then the challenges would've been much more difficult." He grinned. "Besides I never said week did I?"

As Fushimi gave him a death glare, I just laid my head on the table. He then nudged my arm and gestured to follow him. We both got up from the table and headed for the door.

"Tired already?" Hidaka joked.

"No, just depressed."I glared back him.

We both exited the room with our heads hanging in shame. I think we were upset with the thought of raising up our hopes and getting them crushed in front of everyone. Humiliation is the biggest punishment of them all.

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