Chapter 25 part 2

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Chapter 25 part 2

Random strands of lightning striked the ground and buildings. The team had no choice but to move the prisoners out of the way and run around trying to avoid getting hit.

"Everyone regroup now!" Awashima ordered.

"Are you crazy! Do you not see this shit!!" Bando cried.

"Don't worry about it, our shield can protect everyone from Noa's bolts." Kamo reassured him.

Everyone huddled together as Scepter 4 raised their swords and formed a shield using their auras. Noa pointed her fingers like a gun and shot a single bolt which cracked the shield. After two more shots the shield shattered, leaving everyone exposed. Noa then used all her energy into creating a giant electrical ball, with all her might she threw over at them while they all tried to run.

Smoke filled the air, Noa squinted trying to see if there was anyone still alive.

"Noa go check and see if anyone is still alive. If not, we'll leave now."

Noa nodded and walked down the piles of rubble. The smoke burned her eyes but still she kept on walking. Right when she came close to the spot where she hit them, she was shocked to see that no one was there. On the ground was a mark of her shot but other than that it was nothing but piles of concrete fragments.

Out of the thick smoke a fist ran across her face. Noa flew back from the great impact of the punch. She laid on the ground rubbing her cheek but right when she tried to get up several throwing knives pinned her down. Only two knives were able to stab into her leg and shoulder. She held her breath and yanked out the blades.

She dragged her body across the ground and pushed herself up. Everywhere she was hit by someone in the smoke, there just so much going on that she didn't have any time to react to it all. She rushed back to Henkel, who was now sitting from using up too much energy. As she was stepping up the debris, she was suddenly stopped by a familiar voice.

"Noa!" Fushimi came out of the clouds of smoke. "you have to snap out of this!"

"Noa, kill him! They're the ones attacking our kind!" Henkel yelled back.

"Noa, listen to me! You're jacked up on drugs and probably have no idea what's going on! He's just using you, remember how you said that you weren't going to let anyone do that to you ever again?!"

"Funny you should say that! You were using her as well for both your security system and trackers! You're all a bunch of hypocrites!"

"Say for yourself! You're no better! I know that we used her for our needs but she was willing and was actually able to communicate. You're just treating her like a puppet, she has no say in anything! "

"Nonsense, she wanted more power and I gave it to her. This is a fair a trade! She gets her power only if she agrees to join me! Right Noa?!"

"Did I...? I can't remember." She mumbled.

"Noa, you dare defy me! You even said it yourself, listen!" Henkel took out his cellphone and played a recording.

I, Noa, agree to join your team only if you grant me the power I need to get back at my enemies and keep myself safe.

"See, I have all the proof right here!" Henkel laughed.

"That's bullshit! Obviously you were controlling her!" Fushimi hollered, growing more impatient. "Noa, come on who do you trust more?!"

"Noa, you listen to your leader and savior! I gave you all the power-" both voices began to overlap and echo in her ears.

"Noa, we were your team! We all worked together at some point! You can't just leave us all behind!"

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