Chapter 10 part 2

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Chapter 10 part 2

"Awashima-kun, there's something strange about that lady." I whispered to her as I set myself in my bed.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel something wrong here. I think we should leave or something."

"Calm down, I think your just being paranoid. If you want I'll stay awake with you until you can sleep."

"Really? Thanks so much, Awashima."

We stayed up until it was 1 in the morning. When I slowly drifted to sleep, I instantly woke up when I heard creaking wood. I sprang up and stared at our door. On the screen door, I saw an outline of a shadow. I gently shook Awashima trying to wake her up without getting caught.

But the shadow suddenly stopped in front of our door. This time I began to shake her vigorously. The shadow raised it's hand and dragged it's fingers on our door.

"Awashima-kun! Awashima!" I began to yell.

Right when the figure tried to slide the door, I released a bolt at the screen door. This time Awashima was wide awake and got up from her bed.

"Noa, what are you doing?"

"There's someone outside of our door! I told you something was up, now we're doomed!"

"Shh...!" Awashima quickly covered my mouth once she saw a shadow outside from our back door.

"Noa, you need to keep all these lights on. We need people to see this house." she got up, ready to go out the door.

"Wait, where are you going?"

She picked a broom from the corner of the room and slowly walked towards the door.

"I'm gonna go check it out. Just stay here and if I don't come back just get out of here and call for help." Without even giving me a chance to object her orders she ran out the door.

I sat by the outlet with my back against the wall. I hugged my knees to my chest and kept a watchful eye on the door. Once 15 minutes had passed by, I picked up my phone and looked through my contacts.

"If I call the commander, he'll flip out and bring the whole army. He'll never let us out." I groaned. "what do I do?"

The lights in the room began to flicker and this time it was not me. I tried to keep the lights on but the bulbs just popped. I was in complete darkness the only light available was the moonlight.

I crawled over to the back door, opened it slowly and stepped out. I carefully tip toed into the gardens and hid next to the bushes. I skimmed my eyes around the garden making sure that I was alone.

"Awashima!" I called but received no answer.

"I see that you have special gifts as well. You just love to show it off don't you?" A voice laughed behind me.

Up in the trees was a decrepit woman with long black hair that draped on the trees.

"Y-you're a strain too."

The grey skinned woman came out of the shadows showing off her grotesque features. Her eyes were blood shot, her frame was frail, and her back was not erect. She held out her hand with sharp nails and lightly touched my face.

"Such a pretty face...but an ugly ability. I on the other hand have nothing. I am not pretty nor normal. I'm nothing but a freak like you."

I let out a small shock to her hand making her step back.

"I too wish I was born beautiful but God has cursed me." She rubbed her hand.

"Who are you anyway? Are you doing all of this?"

"My powers use up too much energy thus giving me this ugly appearance. But not you, you're packed with energy and power. How is that so?" She smiled, creating more wrinkles on her face.

"None of your business. Where's my friend? I'd like to go now."

"Oh that lady?" she giggled. "My mother has probably already captured her. My powers can feed off of others as well, I sensed that your friend is a clansman. She'll be perfect to use."

I let out a bolt of lightning at her but she quickly jumped out of the way and disappeared into the trees. Without hesitation I dialed my phone and tried to call the commander but a long chunk of hair snatched my phone.

"Hey, give that back!" I yelled up into the trees.

More strands of hair rushed down the branches and began to grab hold of me. I grabbed one of the strands and electrocuted her making the hair drop me. As she was screaming I ran back to the house and knocked down the door.

"Awa-!" right when I yelled a bright beam of blue flashed on the top of the roof. I knew that thankfully she was safe.

When I tried to climb up the roof, I felt something dragging me down. Whatever it was underneath me, it was really stretching my body. Whenever it would pull harder, I yelped and finally caught Awashima's attention.

"Ah! Help!" I yelled.

"Hang on, Noa!" She yelled back as she kept on fighting off the old lady.

"I should've taken those training sessions more seriously!" I grunted.

When my fingers were slowly slipping, I clinged on to the edge. But after the hold up, I finally gave in and dropped to the floor. All around me hair began to tie me and run all over me. The woman walked over and stared down at me.

"Say goodbye to the moon. This is the last time you'll ever see it's beauty."

Blue Heart: K ProjectМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя