Chapter 5 part 2

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Chapter 5 part 2

We peaked from the back before we could make a run for it. The Scepter 4 group arrived in a truck with my whole squad inside. Even Munakata decided to come. The last member to come out of the truck was Fushimi and just by the look on his face I could tell that he was pissed.

"Oh crap they're all here! What am I going to do?" I began to panic.

"It's Saru! Now's my chance to beat the shit out of that damn Monkey!" Yata hissed ready to jump out but Kamamoto got him in a head lock.

"Yata-chan! Now's not the time to be reckless, we have to go now or else Kusanagi-san will kill us." He then let Yata go and continued to watch the blues.

Munakata led the blues inside the bar as Fushimi and Akiyama stood guard of the truck.

"Okay, the blues are inside we should leave now." Kamamoto whispered.

"I feel kinda bad to just Kusanagi and the rest. What if Munakata hurts them?" I couldn't help but feel guilty for causing both side trouble.

"Guys, come over! Listen to this." Yata waved us over by the back exit door.

We all leaned on the door and listened in on the conversation.

Munakata: It's been a while since the last time we've seen each other.

Kusanagi: Shouldn't that be a good thing or maybe you guys were just busy handling your strain predicament?

Munakata: Unlike you, we have actual jobs that can make a difference here.

Kusanagi: Like what? Rounding up people.

Munakata: This time it's different. We're looking for a specific strain whose been missing since last night. The last signal we tracked from her cell phone was located here until she disabled our tracker. She's far too dangerous to be roaming around in the streets with innocent people.

Kusanagi: How do you know that? What if what you're shady business just scares her?

Munakata: She's a reckless troublemaker. We've recently found background information about her and let's just say none of it is good news. She's under our wing for many reasons.

Kusanagi: Well she's not here.

I drew back from the door, I didn't want to hear what else he had to say about me. I looked down at my hands feeling like some kind of monster.

"It'll be alright, Noa." Kamamoto smiled at me.

"Come on we should leave now." Yata stood up with his skateboard and baseball bat ready. In the back Kamamoto pulled out a motorcycle. I hoped onto the back as Yata held on from behind.

Once Kamamoto turned it on the blues guards came running to the sound. I held on tightly once the bike began to move. Kamamoto led us to the main streets of Shizume.

"Hey Yata-chan are they still behind us?!" Kamamoto yelled.

Yata and I both looked back and found the Blues' truck storming right behind us.

"Shit! Just cut through the lines!" Yata growled.

Kamamoto swayed the bike between any gap he could find. Suddenly we found ourselves in the middle of the intersection with blues stationed around us.

"Stop right there, Homra!" Munakata yelled to us.

"What do we do now?" I shivered in fear.

But Kamamoto and Yata just looked at each other calmly with grins on their faces.

"Would you call this an emergency?" Kamamoto grinned, his eyes began to glow a brilliant red shade.

"Fuck it! I'm tired of this pretending nonsense! I don't give a shit anymore!" Yata let out a fiery red aura and skated around us with a tail of flames following him.

"Hang on, Noa." Kamamoto revved up this bike, waiting for Yata to make his move.

Yata began to skate around us a few more time creating a wall of fire around us. The blues began back away, except for Munakata's special group. They stepped up with swords in position, they used their auras to create a shield and walked closer to us.

"Yata, it's not enough! Now's our chance to leave, the rest are backing off!" Kamamoto began to drive towards the lanes where the scared officers. Yata moved in front of us, swinging his blazing bat threatening them to get out of our way.

I looked behind, they were still after us. I looked up at the big flashing billboards and hatched an idea.

"Kamamoto, drive over to that lamp post! I have an idea." I pointed to the one closest to the building.

Once he reached the post, I jumped off and held onto the lamp. I waved Kamamoto to keep going. I raised my voltage and searched for the wire closest to the building. From there I used up all the power in the building and busted the board up above.

Once the blues came up, the billboard fell just in time and landed a few feet away from them. I sighed in relief and fell to my knees still holding onto the post. Yata skated by me and asked if I was alright.

"Can you pick me up? I don't think I have enough energy to do it myself."

His face turned bright red and his body trembled. Within a couple of minutes he hesitantly decided to come over and with shake hands lifted me off the ground.

When I wrapped my arms around his neck, he jolted and began to sweat. Once he took one wobbly step, the billboard bursted. Coming our way were the Blues, who were completely unharmed.

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