Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Games are fun

The next morning I was sent straight to Munakata's office, I didn't even have the chance to change out of my pajamas or eat breakfast. I stepped into his office with my hair all messed up and with my bare feet. In fact my alarm didn't even go off yet.

"I hope you know what time it is cause I'm sure that the sun hasn't even risen yet." I grumbled.

"I just wanted to go over a few things with you." he laughed at either my appearance or my morning greeting.

"But why this early? Couldn't it have waited until it was morning?" I yawned.

"Most of the staff are already awake also I'm doing this as punishment for yesterday's event. Thanks to you we have even more work to do so it's best for you to wake up this early everyday for this whole week."

I was suddenly wide awake once I processed what just happened.

"W-work? Everyday at this hour?" I was in shock.

"From morning til night." he smiled gracefully.

"Til night?!" I'm still in shock. There's no way I could do this, no way!!

"Don't worry, you're the only one on duty. You have Fushimi don't you?"

This bastard already knows that Fushimi is pissed at me but now we're both waking up early in the morning! Shit, this is bad! This is literally hell right here.

When I was dismissed I slowly walked out of the door, debating on whether or not to kill myself right now. At least I came back instead of disappearing.

"Noa, what the hell are you wearing?" Fushimi popped out of nowhere.

"I didn't have to change! I was told to immediately come here!" I whined

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll understand that you need to get dressed for work." He dragged his face down with his hands.

"It's morning and it's Monday, there's a reason why we're both bitchy today." I grumbled under my breath.

"Just go change. I'll wait in the cafeteria and be quick about it." he ordered.

I ran around the building, completely embarrassed since everybody from our unit was up and getting ready to work. I stormed into my room and fell on my bed. I would love to lay down for a couple more minutes but I knew that I'd have to wake up even earlier as punishment.

I got dressed and ran back to the cafeteria. Oddly, Fushimi was nowhere to be found.

"Where the hell could he have gone?" I groaned.

"If you're looking for Fushimi, he's outside already." Akiyama said as he passed by with his breakfast ready.

I didn't know whether or not to eat first but in the end I decided to bail on it. I ran outside where Fushimi was chewing on a sandwich.

"Y-y-you said that you'd...wait for me..." I panted.

"Tch! We're already late! I hope you know I get penalized too." He stormed off to the gate.

We rode a truck along with Enomoto and Fuse to the damage sight of the city. When we arrived there were already construction workers fixing the roads and buildings.

"Looks like we'll be here all day." Enomoto whined as he exited the truck.

"Even if you stayed back at the base you'd still be doing work. There's no point in complaining." Fushimi snapped at him.

I stood beside Enomoto and patted him on the back for being so brave to whine to the biggest whiner.

"This is gonna be a long day." Fuse sighed once Fushimi left.

"I give you a lot of respect for dealing with him, Noa. I'm surprised that he didn't kill you for being with his old clan, Homra." Fuse turned to me.

"Yeah, I'm surprised as well. But for now let's focus on work, I want to go home." I yawned

The whole day we helped instruct the construction workers, apologize the owners of the buildings and a job especially for me, I had to search for every fuse that I blew up in the street.

When the sky had turned black, we were finally picked up by the truck and brought back to the base. I dragged my body over to my dorm, I knew that I wouldn't be able to shower in the morning so I forced myself up to take a bath.

After washing, I thought that I should treat myself for some ice cream in the kitchen for a hard days work. When I went over to the kitchen I noticed that the common room was lit. I kept quiet trying to hear who was in there.

Domyoji: What?! That's not fair, are you guys cheating!?

Munakata: Since Domyoji-kun is out, whose turn is it now?

Everyone: UGH....

Once I heard Munakata's voice I tired my best to tip toe into the kitchen and get my food. But when I stepped by the room the lights began to flicker again.

Awashima immediately poked her head out and caught me. I was so startled by her sudden appearance that I slipped from the drops of my wet hair.

"Noa? You're here, I thought that you went to sleep." She smiled warmly.

"Oh me? I was...I was just trying to get some ice cream. Sorry I didn't meant to bother.... or interrupt your game in there." I stammered as Awashima helped me up.

"It's not a problem at all. Come in we have the ice cream right here!" She dragged me along. So much for sleeping early.

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