Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Lionheart

Ryuji brought everyone to an empty, open space in the tunnels. Everyone sat back, giving themselves a break.

"Whose side are you on?!" Yata gasped for breath.

"I may not like some of you," he looked directly at Scepter 4. " but this was not my way of getting even with humans who shun us strains. My methods aren't this cruel."

"Well, glad to see that you grew a heart." Fushimi said sarcastically.

"Don't push it. I just want to free my followers and get the hell out of here. Now, what's the plan?"

"From what he just said he's only unconscious when we takes over all the strains here." Shiro turned over to Ryuji. "How many strains are here?"


"From what we've noticed, he can only control 20 at a time while he's still awake. What is the maximum number?" Munakata asked.

"Actually he can hold up to 30 but he doesn't bother going over 25, it actually makes him weaker. You all saw that most strains were given weapons to fight with. Most of them barely used any of their powers."

"So you're saying that he can grow weaker from making other strains use their powers." Awashima finished his explanation.

"Precisely, it's harder for him to use up more energy to control another person to use their energy."

"Based on that, he'll most likely be using Noa since he needs to have her with him at all times." Munakata pused up his glasses.

"Plus, she's technically the strongest there. She could be on the drugs too." Yukari added.

"When your mind is being controlled you see through his eyes and tell what he wants. From my experience Noa was given her last two from the lab."

"Crap, now it's gonna be even harder to beat her!" Domyoji groaned.

"I say, we all pair up and fight him from all sides. When he feels trapped, he's going to want to either call for more help or make the strains use their powers. At his weakest, Shiro and I will give the last blow. Once he's down everyone will be freed. But for this plan, we need at least one Scepter 4 member in a group since we have radios to contact each other." Munakata suggested.

"Wait, how come you get to give the last blow!?" Bando yelled as though he was deeply offended.

"The powers of the kings will make it certain that Henkel is dead. He's not going to give us a second chance." Douhan answered for him.

"I'm not so sure if I'll be comfortable with killing someone." Shiro chimed in.

"Yeah, Shiro says that he doesn't want to do it! It'll ruin his kind heart!" Neko defended him.

"I don't think I'll be able to rest easily knowing that I killed someone. I don't want to have any blood on my hands ever again." Shiro sighed as he looked down at his hands.

"I'll do it." Kusanagi stepped up.

"Looks like we'll be in the same group then. Everyone, move into groups." Munakata ordered.

Everyone moved into groups of four. Ryuji stayed on his own and teleported everyone to the main control system was a few feet deeper. But before he could send them, he checked up on them to see what was going on.

Henkel had just burst through the room with Noa following behind him. He walked over to another throne and sat down.

Henkel: God damn! I was fooled, how could I be so blind to those strains!? Did you sense them?!

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