Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 A Voice In the Dark

The next morning, the whole dorm was sweating. I took a cold a shower to cool myself down but once I got out I could feel the heat growing on me again. It was far too hot to wear my hair down so I put it up in a bun so the cool air could touch my neck.

I wore a light minty dress and flowery sandals. Took my biggest sun hat and head out my dorm to the cafeteria. There, I met up with Domyoji and Kamo baking again.

"Isn't too hot to be working with the oven?" I sat beside Domyoji, who was fanning himself with a menu.

"Heh, I felt like having pancakes today. I guess it's a tad bit hot." He panted. "Look at you, why are you so dressed up?"

"Oh, I'm just heading to the city. I guess I should get going." I hopped off my seat and headed for the door. "See you boys later!" I waved.

When I finally reached the city, I noticed that I really had no plans for today. I wondered around the streets finding nothing really interesting to do. I went into a coffee shop and sat outside, watching everyday people pass by.

"Isn't it a bit too hot for coffee?" Kamamoto came and sat right across from me.

"I just felt that I needed extra energy to perk me up. What are you doing?"

"I'm taking a break from work. Women during this season are especially crazy."

"It's hard to imagine you as a fatty. I still don't believe it."

"Heh, you remind me of Shohei when he was still new in Homra. Speaking of Homra...."

Walking around the street was Yata. He was far too busy looking through his grocery bag to acknowledge us.

"Yo!" Kamamoto yelled

"Kamamoto, Noa!" Yata ran up to us.

"What'cha got there?" I peeked over to his bag.

Yata pulled out two ice cream popsicle sticks and handed it over to us. We all sat down, eating our popsicles in the shade.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked

"Want to walk in the park or something?" Kamamoto suggested

"It's too damn hot for that! Besides I just came back from the store, I was sweating just standing out there." Yata grumbled.

"You should be grateful to the shade. A simple thank you would be nice." A voice called out to us.

Up on the store's shade was Ryuji. He slid down and snatched my popsicle from my hands. He bit off a huge chunk and handed it back to me.


"A simple thank you would've been nice but getting a bite out of that was much better. I feel ten times cooler now." He laughed.

"What the are you talking about?" Kamamoto sat up.

"Take a look. This store's blind is way too short to cover this whole area and the sun is beaming right down at you. There's no way you guys would have had this luxury."

All three of us looked up and observed his calculations.

"Anyways, what are you all doing? I was working this building and getting paid to provide this much shade for customers. But since you guys haven't bought a single thing, I'd say you're all loitering."

"It's too hot to do anything today. I guess this is the lazy part of my break." I fanned myself with my hands which barely made a difference.

"Hmmm...Oh I have an idea! I've been working on a new cave, why don't we take a walk inside and see where it'll take us!" Ryuji blurted out.

Even though we were all suspicious of his idea, we reluctantly agreed to his proposition. We walked down a shady looking alley way, which was completely empty. Yata threatened Ryuji several times just to make sure he wasn't going to try anything funny.

"I swear on my grave that this is the right way. I'm not that evil." He laughed.

We finally reached the end of the alley. The only thing facing us was an old, red brick wall. Yata clutched the collar on Ryuji's shirt and prepared his fist to punch him.

"What the hell are you playing at?! You think that we're that thick!? I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of you right here and right now!"

"Calm down there." Ryuji chuckled shoving Yata away from him. "I wouldn't dare to mess with the Homra clan without any reason to. I only mess with Scepter 4 for various reasons. Anyways, the enterance is behind this wall. Only I can open it."

Darkness spread from underneath his feet. Within a couple of minutes, the temperature dropped dramatically and our surroundings were pitch black. The only thing I was able to see right now were Kamamoto's red eyes glowing.

Then Ryuji turned on his flashlight and reached his hand out toward me.

"You might want to watch your step, this place is not finished yet." He flashed his light to the rest of the cave.

We were standing on a huge pile of rocks and right in front of us were two tunnels. Ryuji led us down and made us decide where to go.

I listened in both tunnels and chose the one on the left since I was able to hear the faint sound of water. For twenty minutes we traveled down the path, the sound of water began to grow louder and louder. When we reached the end of the tunnel, Ryuji pushed down the wall of rocks letting light in.

When the wall was down, I gasped at the sight of the ocean.

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