Chapter 16 part 2

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Chapter 16 part 2

I called Ryuji asking him whether he sent the letter but I couldn't reach him on his phone no matter how many times I called him.

For the rest of the week, we went over our game plan. Basically, everyone will dress in pairs and keep their swords with them at all times. Everyone will act as the king's so called "bodyguards" while Awashima, Munakata, Fushimi and I head in to meet this mystery host.

While Munakata and Awashima have everyone's attention, Fushimi and I will try to get the layout of the revenue. My main job will be to hack into the security system and look through the cameras to try to find this host.

When the weekend had finally came, Awashima and I went to go find a dress.This was supposed to be a very formal party, everybody including the bodyguards will be wearing a suit and tie. Since it'll be night, I wanted to wear a dark color.

"How about this?" Awashima held out a fitted black dress with laced sleeves.

At first I looked at with discuss, since it lacked in frills and volume but when I tried it on, I actually blushed at my reflection. It was a couple of inches shorter than a regular dress and had a nice view of my bare back. With that look, I decided to buy the dress immediately.

The next week, I was constantly drilled to hack into our security system and get into the camera's views. On the other hand, the rest of team where put into intense kendo training in case this was one of Ryuji's traps. But for some reason a part of me said that Ryuji had no part in this.

When the big day finally came, I put on my dress wore black high heels and went over to Awashima's room. She greeted me and worked on my hair. She curled it, swept it over to one side, braided some sections and pinned up other sections to making it look fancy and messy at the same time.

Awashima then got dress in a long light blue dress that enhanced her figure and gave her an angelic look. She took curled her hair and wore heels.

"Look how lovely you are." she smiled.

"Let's just hope that I won't have to run in these heels." I laughed nervously.

"Don't worry, Fushimi will be by you the whole time. I'm sure he can keep you safe." she laughed.

Together we walked out to the main room. Once we arrived, I was shocked to see how nicely dressed these guys were. Everyone wore their suit and tie, polished shoes, had white roses in their breast pocket.

"Well, well Noa! You look great!" Domyoji came up to me first with Kamo right behind.

"Oh thanks. You guys look great too." I blushed.

"Hey you look great." Akiyama smiled

"Thanks. I just wish that this was a normal dinner party and not a mission. I wouldn't have to be so tensed." I laughed nervously.

"Come on guys, stay in your stops. This isn't a free for fall. Noa you're late." Fushimi grumbled.

He too look marvelous in a suit. He looked so dapper that I couldn't help but stare at him with my mouth wide open. He came up to me and snapped my jaw shut.

"Is everyone here and ready?" Munakata said with his usual grin. Even he look irresistible, I was basically drooling over everyone in their suit and tie.

Awashima laughed at my facial expressions and handed me one of her fur coats. She and I were the first to enter the car, the rest were separated into groups. The revenue was located on the other side of the city, making the ride long and exhausting. When we finally arrived Awashima and I were escorted out by our so called "dates".

The inside of the building was a huge ballroom. It had huge windows and long red drapes, the floors were white marbles, and at the center was a big white fountain. The room was filled with people we've never met before.
They all greeted us when we passed by and thanked us for keeping the city safe, which I don't buy because my damage rating of this city is 70%.

I'm a very destructive person, if I wasn't part of Scepter 4 this city would be nothing but rumble.

"Am I the only one that feels really uncomfortable?" Fuse whispered to Hidaka.

"I'm with you there. Something seems really off." Hidaka whispered back

"Hey Noa, can feel something. Something strange." Hidaka turned to me.

I wasn't really concerned with the strange people around me but the atmosphere gave off a very peculiar energy, like it wasn't real. I suddenly felt scared and tensed that the lights began to flicker. Fushimi marched towards us and pulled on my arm.

"This isn't a social gathering, we're on a mission. All of you start on your own mission and quit messing around. We have to find out whose in charge of this." Fushimi hissed.

Together we both walked around trying to find somewhere we can escape to. It was a lot harder than we thought since people kept running over to us to chat. I had to do most of the chatting because Mr. Gloomy over here had nothing to chat about.

Finally I decided to ditch for the bathroom.

"Excuse me, but I must go to the ladies room." I said as I began to walk off.

"Wait a min..." Fushimi was gonna go after me but then the crowd of people cut him off.

When I was finally all alone, I checked the bathroom making sure that I was alone. I hid in the last stall and sat on the marble floor with my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and tried to follow the wires, hopefully leading me to the cameras or control room. Sadly the bathroom were attached to only the other bathrooms in the whole building.

This building was really set up in a strange way. Usually everything was connected but the wires here are like a maze. Whoever organized this party was pretty smart to choose this venue. I slowly opened my eyes and gave myself a couple of minutes to rest up. When I felt ready, I slowly creaked out the room and casually slipped the crowds.

I made sure that no one was able to follow me as I slipped into random doors in the room. So far I found the kitchen, staff room and coat closet. I finally opened a door that lead me to a hallway.

The hallway was dim with low-lit mini chandeliers. The walls were red with orange stripes and yellow embellishments. I touched one of the lamps and found all the cameras in the ballroom. I peeked through camera, and strangely the the number of the guests decreased.

Everyone was scattered. I was more shocked when I saw people with regular gold masks and Homra there. I quickly zoomed the camera to an old man all the way on the other side of room from my team. There was no doubt about it, enjoying his drink was Kokujoji. He was two body guards with him, one of them most likely Takeshi.

I quickly came back into my senses. The only thing I have to do is to find the stair case that would lead up to the same hall as the control room. I quickly came back to the ballroom and tip toed my way, trying not to look so noticeable.

But then I felt someone wrapped their hands around my waist. My body jolted, giving me goosebumps and fast heartbeats. I whipped my head around and was relieved to see that it was just a little girl hugging me.

"Jeez, Anna you scared the crap out of me." I heavily exhaled and wiped the sweat on my forehead. "What's Homra doing here?"

"Noa, there are strains in this room. I knew one of them was you."

"How many are here?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure, but something's wrong here." I held onto her hand and moved us over to the food table.

"Anna, did you guys receive a letter?" I asked in a hushed voice but I did try not to look too suspicious.

"Yes, we were told to dress up and come here."

"Okay, in the letter there was a hidden message. If you arranged the letters it should say 'evacuate.' Did you guys do that? Any idea to whose behind this?"

"Kusanagi-san had the letter and was walking around looking for the host."

"Anna we have to-"

"Saruhiko!" Yata roared from the food court once he caught a glimpse of Fushimi in the crowd.

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