Chapter 24 part 2

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Chapter 24 part 2


When the sun had finally set, everyone headed out to the city. Homra used their motorcycles while Silver Clan stayed up in the air. When they arrived at their destination, they were surprised to see that the ditch wasn't as deep as thought it'd be.

"Wow, they sure suck at digging." Bando commented.

Anna stepped up and examined the ditch with her marble.

"The tunnel is a couple of feet under."

While the others began to pick up the shovels laying around, Kusanagi used his cigarettes fire to blow up the hole. Underneath, the smoke they were finally able to see the tunnel.

One by one, everyone hurried in the hole. They all stayed close and walked down until they ended up in a four way intersection.

"Oh crap, don't tell me we're gonna have to split up into groups!" Mizu groaned.

"Anna, how bout it? Can you track her down?" Kusanagi looked at her.

"She's over at the third tunnel. But there's something else there." she quivered.

"Shiro! Shiro, something's there! It's waiting for us!" Neko cried.

"Yeah, I can sense his presence too. It seems strange." Shiro turned to Neko and patted her head. "I need you to be brave, Noa needs us in there."

"Something's coming! Get out of the way!" Neko pushed Shiro down, everyone else panicked and dropped to the floor

Something came out of the third tunnel, it felt like wind but occasionally they'd feel something tugging them. When it vanished, several people of the group were missing.

"Bando, Shohei, Fujishima, and Douhan. Where did they go?!" Yata began to panic.

"Oh god, what are we going to do!?" Mizu started to hyperventilate, Yata went over to her and tried to calm her down.

"Everyone calm down! It's Ryuji, he's just trying to startle us. If we freak out now, they'll surely get the upper hand." Kusanagi said trying to keep his composure.

"Something's coming." Anna tugged on Kusanagi's shirt.

The floor began to rumble and soon it began to crack. everyone scrambled up their feet and sprinted deeper into the dark tunnel. The small bulbs on the ceiling were starting to dim down and flicker.

"Is everyone here?" Kusanagi yelled, making sure that everyone heard him.

"I can't-I can't go on with this! It's too much for me!" Mizu began to freak out.

"Hey, what's wrong with you!?" Yata tried to fake his bravery.

"I can barely see my hands, it's crammed, I can't breathe properly with all these things attacking us and I'm scared to see what's waiting for us!"

"Mizu, please calm down." Kusanagi went over to the rest and patted their backs. "They're just trying to scare us. Don't worry, we'll make it out of this."

He got everyone to stand up and keep moving. As they continued on the tunnel seemed to get darker. The lights on the ceilings were dimmer and flickered every five seconds, it made seeing more difficult for the group.

Every now and then the group would stop moving everytime they heard a rock roll or if a bulb went out. It made the journey twice as long as it should be.


Scepter 4

Munakata woke up several of the officers on base patrol to wake up. He didn't tell anyone what was going on, only that it was crucial for them to go to the ditch. Everyone was forced to get up and get changed into their uniforms. Then they had to drag themselves to the cars and drive over to the ditch.

"Sir, are you going to tell us what's going on?" Fushimi yawned

"Not that long ago, I sensed something wrong was happening in the city and I heard a loud explosion."

"You don't think Homra actually went in?" Awashima thought to herself.

"Most likely. They probably blew up the remaining rumble in our way. The bright side of this is that they're our ticket to getting close to Ryuji. They'll just lead us to them."

"You're gonna trust the decisions of a group of idiots, who are wandering around underground in complete darkness?" Fushimi gave his boss a death glare for waking him up so late at night.

"Yes, I am. I believe that with the help of the two clans they'll clear away to ugly part of our job. All we have to do is to capture Noa and arrest her crew of misfits."

"We better not get buried alive." Fushimi scoffed.

When they arrived at their destination, Munakata didn't seem as surprised as everyone else to see that the ditch had been breached.

"Alright, everyone hop in!" he said in a hearty voice.

"Wait, we're seriously jumping in there!?" Enomoto cringed "Shouldn't we have someone wait outside just in case?!"

"Quit messing around! This is a serious mission, now's not the time to be chickening out" Fushimi scolded him.

"It's going to be fine. Now, everyone march inside and pair up. We don't know what's down there so I want everyone to stay sharp. Also now that we got new headsets, we can report to each other if we separated."

Everyone reluctantly jumped down the hole and immediately turned on their flashlights. Right when the light flicked on all of the small bulbs turned off. Then a loud crackling sound was heard at the end of the tunnel.

"Crap! What is that sound!" Hidaka flashed his light at the end of the tunnel and revealed that the crackling sound belonged to a dark figure at the end.

Once the figure began to move, Munakata ordered everyone to attack. They used their blue auras to launch blows at the figure, after six hits the figure seemed to melt to the ground. Suddenly, several dark arms came out of the dark and began to attack them.

"Everyone scatter!" Munakata yelled.

Everyone went into their pairs and ran forward trying to avoid the arms. Up ahead of the group were Domyoji and Fuse but then they were suddenly stopped when they weren't about to move. Both looked down at their feet and screamed once they noticed a face and hands dragging them into the floor.

The more they tried to fight it, the faster they began to sink into the floor.

"Help! Somebody!" Domyoji cried.

Akiyama and Benzai ran over to them and began to slash at the creature but it only agitated it even more. Several more arms sprang out of the ground and went after the two. Together the four disappeared into the ground. After they were taken, the rest of the shadows began to retreat.

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