Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Elegance is Key

For the past couple of weeks we've been trailing Ryuji's tracks, watching out for Gold members, and searching for other possible strain rebels. Lately I've been meeting up with Ryuji during the weekends during night. I've been warning him about our next moves so that he and his friends will escape.

I know it's bad but I can't just turn on my friends and kind. We, strains mist suffer the consequences of being figured out and being tested on. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I, myself arrested them.

Also Munakata's been leaving the base more often. He takes one of the cares and runs off to do an errand. It's strange to not see him up in his office or trying to bond with the other guys. No one knows where he goes, not even Awashima.

"So where do you think he goes?" I asked Fushimi as I rocked in my seat.

"I really don't care. Maybe he has a mistress or something." he sighed.

"Oh that's very scandalous!" I laughed.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on your work?" He huffed.

"Benzai! Akiyama!" I called him, he sat behind Fushimi and I with Akiyama.

"Where do you think the King goes? Senpai thinks he has a mistress, what about you guys?"

"I'm just guess that he's on business trips." Akiyama said as he leaned back on his seat.

"I second that. I don't think he'd do something so vulgar during his spare time." Benzai replied, not taking his eyes off his work.

"Earth to Noa, we have actual work to do here." Fushimi scolded

"Why? We have about two minutes or so until it's lunch time!" I whined.

Fushimi checked his watch and saved all the work he did in his computer and then stacked all of his papers neatly. When he got up from his chair, he looked over his shoulder and motioned me to follow. We got our usual lunches and went over to our usual seats.

"How's your research doing?" I said trying to fill in the awkward silence.

"Tch, well I shouldn't have to be doing so much if only a certain SOMEONE could focus on his/her work. But hey, I'm not complaining or anything." he scowled at me.

"Sorry, it's just been boring lately. All we do is work and work and work and work, work, work, work, work-"

"Tch, okay okay I get it! Just please stop." He said, covering his ears.

"We should all go on a trip! It can be our own team bonding experience!" I bolted up from my seat, startling him.

"Hell no."

"I hope you knowhow anti-social you are. You're just lucky that I'm a friendly person."

"Do you even know what's happening next week?"

"N-no, not really."

"There's a Scepter 4 black tie party. Apparently we're going to some fancy revenue."

"Really?! What's this all for?!" as I grew more excited so did the lighting in the cafeteria.

"Calm down there. I'm also unsure of what this is all about, I'm guessing it's some kind of a mission."

"I can't wait! Finally some excitement!" I squealed.

For the rest of the today, I had a huge smile on my face and hummed a merry tune.Fushimi stared at me with great confusion he then gave up and ignored my sunny mood. When the day was over I ran over to Awashima's room.

"You seem very lively today, Noa. Any reason why?" She poured me a cup of tea and pushed the cookies closer to me.

"What's this dinner party about?"

"So word is going around quickly. Well, a couple of days ago we received an invitation telling us to go to this important dinner. However, we found a hidden message which was a single word: EVACUATE."

"So this is a mission. Any idea on who would send this letter?"

"Not a clue. We weren't able to find any evidence or DNA, whoever sent this was very clever." She sighed.

"So what are you gonna wear?"

"I actually have a dress already prepared. If you like, we can both go to shop for your dress."

"Really? Good we can do it this weekend!"

"But please remember, this is an important mission and must be taken seriously. You'll be getting more information on this tomorrow."

"Don't worry I will." I got up from my seat and thanked her for the tea. After that I headed out the door and turned on my cellphone once I was in my room. I looked through my contacts and pressed on Ryuji's number.

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