Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Deal

I was forced to wear a straight jacket this time. Yes, a freaking straight jacket! In a god damn rubber room!

I was so appalled that I just sat there in silence and stared at the door.

There were still cameras, of course, but I had no way of getting to them. I had nothing to reach it with. If I did it recklessly then I could possibly destroy my only ticket to escaping.

"This is crap!" I screamed, trying to release some anger out.

"Just cause we're different doesn't mean it's okay for you jerks to lock us up! This is so unfair!" I yelled at the camera.

That captain of theirs was clearly laughing at my failed attempt. Or maybe he put in that cell on purpose just so he could observe my abilities.

I screamed and kicked my feet in the air. I tugged on my arms pathetically thinking that I could rip the cloth. I released bolts of electricity knowing that it had nowhere to go.

"How could I've been so stupid!? I should've seen this earlier or at least save myself! Those bastards probably got themselves caught again!" I hollered.

"Did he even make it to the gate?" I lowered my voice.

I leaned over to my side and tried my best to fall asleep.


Scepter 4

"What's she up to now?" Munakata came over to one of the screens.

"I think she's just throwing a tantrum. She's been yelling to herself for quite a while." Domyoji chuckled.

"She's too powerful. This type of power is too dangerous for someone as childish and young as she is." Awashima sighed.

"So what are we going to do with her? Don't tell me your still going with your previous plan." Fushimi grumbled as he was skimming through her biography.

"Yes, I am actually." Munakata answered.

"Commander, you can't be serious?! She unlocked all our cells and hacked through our computers!" Awashima gasped from his blunt answer.

"And just by that alone I can see why Kokujoji-san kept her under his wing. She was able to hack into computers, systems, cameras and cellphones for him. A power like that is very useful. All she needs is some taming."

Munakata turned to Fushimi who was clearly too busy with his work to even acknowledge his superior's hint.

"Fushimi-kun how about a promotion for all your hard work?" he smiled.

Fushimi stared at him with eyes filled with misery and disgust. Most likely he knew where this was going.


When morning finally arrived, I was rudely awaken by some rowdy officers who forced me to get up and start walking.

"Where are you taking me?" I yawned still half asleep.

"The commander wants to meet you." one of the men answered.

Once we reached his office, I sat down and waited for him to speak. By his chair was the woman of the team, glaring at me and tensed as though she was expecting me to attack them.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" I grumbled.

The man waved his officers to leave the three of us alone.

"We haven't formerly introduced ourselves. I'm the Blue King, Munakata Reisi and this is my vice commander, Awashima Seri." He said calmly

"Pleased to meet you both. Now will you guys tell me what this is all about? I thought you guys were going to execute me or something but now I'm confused."

"I have a proposition for you, Noa. I want you to join the Blue clan."


"A power like your's could be essential to our work here. Not to mention you'll have your freedom back."

"Sorry but I'm supposed to be joining a different clan."

"Oh? I didn't know someone already beat me to it."

"It wasn't really a direct invitation. I had a dream of a King. He told me that I'd be leaving my old clan to join another one. Then I'll feel more happy and at home. I wanted to meet him so I could join his clan. That's why I left."

"Any idea where he belonged?"

"No, but he sure was young. He could've been my age. There was just something different about him. It was like that time I met Kokujoji-san, I felt how powerful his aura was. I knew that he had a special power to him."

"Oh I see. You're pretty power hungry aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You can absorb the power from our building and use it as energy for yourself, right?"

I nodded in agreement since there was no point in lying.

"Is it possible for you to do the same with people? Is that why you're searching for this king?"

"Maybe it is or maybe it's for a more personal reason."

Munakata sighed but he still had an optimistic attitude up front.

"Still think about my offer." he got from his seat and headed for the door. After he left Awashima ordered the others to escort me back.

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