Chapter 1 part 3

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Chapter 1 part 3

Once I was down, the officers dragged me back to their base. I was held for questioning for about three hours. The only information I let them have was name but other than that I remained silent.

That night I was locked up in a cell with my hands cuffed and my eyes blindfolded so I wouldn't be able to find a outlet. I just simply laughed at their feeble attempt mainly because I could hear and feel that this cell was pretty high tech.

It seems that these doors are triggered by some kind of code or device to open it. I could also here the little machines whirring just to make it open. I shuffled my feet and carefully made my way to the door. I rested my ear against it and carefully listened.

It wasn't just the door making whirring sounds, my guess is that there must be a camera here as well. I slowly released my power into the door, from there I was able to trace the wires that branched in this cell and tried to make my way to the control room.

With my devious talents I was able to shut off their camera and open not only my door but the other cells as well. From the sound of people gasping and walking, this was my chance to escape.

"Hey, whoever's out there would you be so kind as to untie me and get rid of my blindfold!" I hollered.

"Haven't seen you before. You must be the new strain here." A broad voice answered me.

"You guys better thank me, I was able to get you guys out."

The man came over and broke my handcuffs with his strength and pulled off my blindfold. When my vision had adjusted to the bright lights I realized how young these other strains were.

"Wow, there's so much of you guys!" I exclaimed.

"Hey well we are all in a group and fought against Sceptor 4 for rounding up strains."

Before I could ask him any more questions, red lights and siren began to blare. Doors all around us began to close by themselves. Everyone in the room began to panic.

"Please Miss, you have to get us out of here!" cried one of the inmates.

I got up on my feet and ran towards one of the exits. As I was searching for it's wire my savior ordered the others to block the doors.

"Miss-" he began but I quickly interrupted him.

"When this door opens get out as fast as you can. This door will only be open for about a minute before it closes again. I can't fight the controller in the other room, block cameras and keep this door open."

"What about y-"

"I'll be fine! I can find another way out of here! You guys go, you've been here long enough!"

"Thank you miss..."

"It's Noa." I said right when the door finally clicked open. "Alright, go now!!"

"Thanks Noa. I'm Ryuji, I'm in debt to you. I'll never forget this. Come on guys let's go!" He yelled as he guided his comrades out.

As they ran out, Sceptor 4 officers came running in. Again they stood side by side and charged straight towards us. The guy in the glasses came at me with his sword thrashing in the air.

I jumped out of the way and ran up the stairs they just came from. When I reached up the higher floors, I was surrounded by officers. This time I didn't bother fighting knowing that I was surely going to lose.

"Didn't expect this didn't you?" The leader chuckled.

"I was certain that you guys were gonna go after the inmates." I sighed as I raised my hands in the air.

"It was a good distraction but they have no chance in getting past the gates. We have more waiting for them."

"Huh, you're pretty good at this game." I smiled to myself. I wasn't sure why but I was strangely amused to how far he thought ahead.

"That's not all I have waiting for you, Noa former member of the Gold King. We now have a special cell reserved for you."

"I quit the Gold Clan for reasons that don't concern you." I sassed.

"Fine by me." He said with his gentleman like tone.

"Fuse, Enomoto, Domyoji lock her up." he ordered.

Within a blink of an eye my freedom was taken away from me again. I had no choice but to follow them.

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