Chapter 20 part 2

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Chapter 20 part 2

We all stood in silence, the air was filled with tension and bad vibes all over. I didn't bother look to look at Fushimi but I knew he was watching me.

"Care to explain to us what this is all about?" Munakata called me out.

"This is my own thing, I don't have to tell you anything." I hollered back.

"Noa, what is going with you lately. We can just forget about this and go home. A pointless argument is a pointless thing to fight for." Awashima took over

"No, this isn't pointless. We're settling this now!"

"Oh Noa, please you're acting like a child. I-"

"Then stop treating me like a child! I know that you guys want to kill Ryuji."

"Noa, we really have no choice at this point. He's injured many innocent people, destroyed our base and stole information from everyone. He's a creating a rebellion with strains on enhancers, this will end in a war if we don't do something!" Awashima raised her voice as if she was trying to wake me up.

"No, he's my friend and I'm not going to let you guys kill him. I can speak to him! I can get him back!"

"Noa, enough of this!" Fushimi scolded me.

"You're the last person I want to talk to right now!" I snapped at him.

"Noa, this is stupid! You're going back on your clan just to help some criminal! If you don't come back with us then we won't hesitate to arrest you and your little group as well."

I stared at him for a brief moment, shocked to hear the words coming out of his mouth. He's heartless.

"If my reasons are stupid, then I'd love to hear your's." I said in a normal tone. "I guess...I'm no longer part of Scepter 4."

Fushimi's face grew grim and his eyes became darker.

"Fine be that way." He drew out his sword and sprinted straight toward me.

He tackled me to the ground but Kamamoto quickly pushed him off.

"Scepter 4, arrest everyone here! No matter the age, everyone here is a target now!" Munakata yelled.

Immediately all the officers came rushing toward the Homra members.

"Noa! Take Anna and get out of here!" Kamamoto yelled as he distracted Fushimi.

"Get the fuck out of my way, you sack of filth!" Fushimi growled.

"Hey kid, I'm not that fat anymore!" He looked back at me. "Noa, go now!"

I quickly grabbed Anna's hand and began to push into the crowds of people fleeing.

"Homra! Scatter now! Make sure you don't get capture!" was the last thing I heard Kamamoto yell before Anna and I made it to the next block.


Yukari and Douhan

As more back up was being called, most them were busy fighting off Yukari and Douhan.

Yukari drew out his sword and made sure to only knock out his opponent. As for Douhan he only used his knives and stars to injure the officers so that they couldn't help out.

"Damn there's no end to these guys!" Yukari huffed.

"You got that right. We won't be able to do this for long, unless we want to get arrested." Douhan looked up at the sky hoping for another sign.

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