Chapter 1 part 2

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Chapter 1 part 2

I didn't know where I was, I leaned on a building and watched the people pass by. I checked my phone to see the time. It was surprisingly five minutes before seven.

This time I went to a small ramen shop and straight to Ami's house. When I finally arrived, I flopped on the couch and fell straight to sleep.

"Noa, you okay? Noa?" a hand gently shook my shoulder.

I immediately sat up, startled to see her here.

"Ami, welcome home!" I greeted wearily.

"You look exhausted. Care to tell me what sort of mess you got yourself into?"

"I left the Gold Clan today."

"Why would you do such a thing?! They could kill you for that!" She gasped.

"I told you getting mixed up in these groups will only cause trouble."

"Hey I did it for a good reason!"

"Oh and what could possibly be more important than your own life?"

"I keep hearing someone call me. It could be another strain but he claims he's a king. And he's far more powerful than anyone right now."

"Please tell me you didn't say that to Kokujoji-san."

"I had no choice plus he knew something's been bothering me. He asked and I answered."

Ami sat beside me letting out a loud sigh.

"Are they still searching for you?" She asked.

"Most likely."

"Well, you may stay just make sure you're not followed when you return." She smiled as she got up and went to her room to sleep.

I on the other hand went up to the roof of the apartment. I had a fantastic view of the whole city. Lights flashed everywhere, streets were filled and the distant music were breaking the peace.

I moved over to an electric chord that stretched over to the next building. I sent out a charge and examined the branches of buildings it was connected to. Unfortunately this wire was nowhere near the powerhouse I escaped from.

Growing sleepy from all the running today, I decided to go exploring again tomorrow. I walked back down the stair and slept on the couch.

When morning came I woke up earlier than usual so that the streets wouldn't be so crowded. I quickly got dressed and ran outside the door. I headed down to the center of the city and leaned by another lamp post. Again I examined my surroundings. This time I noticed something strange. There were cameras everywhere.

Those officers must be searching for me I thought to myself. I immediately sent a shock wave causing the cameras to shut off. Right after I sent out my charge I just made awkward eye contact with some guy in a blue uniform.

Behind his glasses his eyes glimmered with excitement and a grin stretched across his face. I ran into a huge crowd trying to avoid him but it was useless. He took out his sword and charged straight at me even though there were still civilians there.

I forced myself through the crowd and triggered a chase. Soon when I had nowhere else to run to, I reluctantly decided to run in the alley ways. When I made my first turn of course it had to be a dead end.

"Looks like you're out of ideas." he laughed to himself.

I looked over at the metal trash cans and suddenly hatched an idea.

"Not quite." I chuckled as I touched the line of trash cans and sent a charge which should shock him.

When the flash of light disappeared I was able to make out a figure in glowing blue light. When the air had cleared the officer changed into another man with glasses. Behind him was a row of followers wearing blue.

"What do you want?!" I quivered, there was no way I could escape this.

"You're a strain, aren't you?"


"You caused that black out we had yesterday, didn't you? My guess is that you can control electricity." he said with the ends of his lips curving up.

"Well, it's not like I stole anything. All I needed was more energy, that's it."

"How about you come work for me? I could use someone like you on my team."

"I'd rather not. Getting invloved with clans is what got me into this mess. You clans are nothing but trouble." I scold him.

The woman from yesterday stepped up with her sword in hand.

"We keep the citizens here safe and bring order to ruffians like you. Besides I don't recall ever seeing your face here, I doubt you live here." She threatened me with not only here words but her looks as well. I can see why she's the only chick here.

"Look nobody got hurt and I intend to keep it that way." I scoffed. "Besides I hate fighting an unnecessary fight."

"You're a really bad liar." The younger guy with glasses chuckled.

"Well then, count this fight vital." The leader raised his glowing blue sword with the others following.

I mustered up all the energy I had. I felt it surge through my body and grow powerful in my hands. Once I released it the blues formed a shield but it didn't last long. Electric charge plays a big role when it comes to atoms and molecules.

When the smoke had cleared, I realized that half of his members had disappeared. I glanced at every direction trying to find them. It was then I looked up, the officer jumped down from the roof and tackled me to the ground.

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