Chapter 4 part 2

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Chapter 4 part 2

"Noa? It's you! It's really you!" She ran up to me and greeted with a tight hug.

"Can't breath over here!" I croaked.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick about you! I thought that the golds got you." She pushed me over to a seat and went to the kitchen to fetch me cookies and tea.

"I was arrested for violating property or something like that."

"Arrested?! Why didn't you call me? I could've bailed you." she sat back down and handed me treats.

"No Ami, you don't understand how much shit I've been through. The blues got me and forced me to work for them." I said in a hushed voice.

"Why are you whispering?"

"My friend outside is a strain too. I can't let him know that I'm working for Scepter 4. They round up strains like me and imprison them."

"Noa," she sighed "please be careful, you're getting tangled again. I feel this situation could possibly trigger something."

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I'm learning to control it."

Afterwards Ami had to go to work but she did promise that she's deliver my clothes to Scepter 4 later. We said our goodbyes and headed in different directions.

As we stood outside, Ryuji had to make an urgent call. Once he was finished talking he came back to me.

"Sorry Noa, but I must go. I would like to walk you home before I leave though." he smiled.

I couldn't show him that I was one of the blues so I told him to take me back to the bar.

We stood outside the bar huddling close to keep warm from the cool wind. He raised my hand up to his lips and lightly kissed it.

"Are you sure you want to stay out here?"

"I'll be fine. You should get going, you don't want to be late." I lightly pushed him to egg him on.

He smirked back at me and gave an elegant bow before he was out of sight. I sat back down by the door, still waiting for someone to show up. Soon I began to feel too cold and finally made the courageous decision to break in.

I roamed around the building looking for any window to crawl in. Unfortunately the only window available for me was the one in the back. I feared that there might be some kind of alarm so I simply absorbed the electricity from the building before I smashed the back window.

I flopped down in their storage room. I tip toed my way inside, lurking around in the rooms. I peaked inside their bar and found some juice for me to drink. I suddenly realized that there was even an upstairs.

I slowly walked up and found myself in an empty room. Someone must had lived here because there was a bed set up. It seems as though it hasn't been touched in months. Tired from the long day, I laid down and fell straight to sleep.


Early in the morning, Kusanagi and Anna arrived with groceries in hand. As Kusanagi was trying to open the door, Anna suddenly dropped her bag.

"Anna, what's wrong?" Kusanagi finally opened the door.

"Someone's here. I'm afraid this person is reckless and too powerful." She backed away from the door.

"Are you sure about this?" he made sure. Anna nodded to his question.

"Stay right here, if I don't make it out go get Yata and Kamamoto." He said handing her his cellphone and entering inside.

Kusanagi carefully searched through the storage room, kitchen and bar. The last place he hasn't checked was Mikoto's old room. He carefully went up the stairs with a knife in hand that he took from the kitchen.

When he slowly creaked open the door, he found something covered in the sheets. From the small opening in the curtains, he looked at the long dark trail of hair that spread all over the bed. He then slowly walked around trying to see it's face.

Seeing the frame of the legs that stuck out from the pile of blankets, most likely it was a girl. He quickly flicked off the sheets of her head. The girl was young and looked exhausted.

"Who the hell are you?" He reached over to shake her but once his finger was near here, a strange bolt of electricity flashed, causing all the lamps and the lightbulbs pop.

Kusanagi jolted back, breathing heavily he covered his mouth. He tip toed out of the room, afraid that he might get zapped again. He quickly locked the room and ran downstairs.

He sat down by Anna, panting and gasping for air.

"Kusanagi-san, I called everyone here because I thought something bad happened to you." She handed him back his phone.

"You were right. That person in there sure is powerful." He panted.

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