Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Reunion

Kusanagi stared at me with eyes widened in shock. He immediately sat up. I took out a small safety pin from my gown and used it to pick the lock on his cuffs.

"Noa?" He gasped.

"It's me. I came back to save you, I'm sorry about everything Kusanagi-san."

"It's fine. I'm just shocked to see you. Is Anna safe? What about Kamamoto?"

"They're back at the bar, waiting for you. But we have to move fast. I had to attack several people to get here, so we must leave before they wake up."

Once I freed him, I opened up the big door and led him over to the stair case I just come out of.

"What about cameras?" he asked.

"They're all off. I shut down the system when I snuck in." I said proudly. "You should be able to get out the gates easily."

"What about you? What are you going to do?" his face grew serious.

"I have something to do. The silver clan has agreed to help us but I need to close down the tracking system Scepter 4 has on them."

"I'll wait for you."

"No, it's best for you to go now. You've been here long enough. Don't worry about me, I know this building pretty well. Just go."

Kusanagi ruffled up my hair right before he left.

"You're a crazy kid, Noa. Be careful."

Once I was sure that he was out, I took in a deep breath and scanned Munakata's office before I walked in. From the layout of it, it seemed pretty safe. I ran in and turned on his computer, I sat under his desk and zoned out. The whole system on his computer was way more advanced than the rest.

I spent a good hour, trying to crack down all of his security codes and passwords. Once I was finally through, I searched through all of the files he had and tried to find all the information he kept from me.

I was shocked to see that he had some information on me, Homra, Silver Clan, Ryuji and many more. I was enraged by how much he's been hiding from that I cleared out his whole drive. The computer became so messed up that the computer began to short circuit.

I slowly woke up and pulled myself up. I hurried over to the door and actually bumped into something. I fell back and looked up at Fushimi whose face smiled like a psychopath.

"Well, well, well what do we ohave here?" he laughed. "I didn't think that you were stupid enough to come back here."

"Fushimi..." my voice trembled as did my body. "Why...why are you here?"

As he stepped in the room, I crawled back to keep a distance between us.

"I saw the computer's light from the window and knew that the commander was at a meeting. I thought it was rather suspicious for it to be on."

Fushimi drew out his sword and dived after me. I scrambled up on my feet and hopped around the room, trying to avoid his hits. From the color of his blue aura, surely more of the officers could see us. I stopped by the window and caught a glimpse of Kusanagi finally leaving me behind.

When I turned around, Fushimi tackled me too hard and accidentally pushed both of us out the window. Within a spilt second, without even thinking I pushed him into a different floor's window.

"Noa!" he yelled.

As I was free falling, my only way of protecting myself was using up my energy and forming a force field to cushion my fall. I shut my eyes tightly and let out my energy but I had to use a great deal of focus to make sure it was strong enough to take in the impact.


The great electrical ball smashed into the ground causing the concrete to crack. Fushimi rushed down to the ground. When the smoke finally cleared the air, he was able to find a figure on the ground.

She was covered in rumble and had a wound on her head. Fushimi ran over and pushed off some of the rumble on her. He propped her up and tried slapping her face to wake her up.

"Hey Noa! Wake up!" he yelled.



My eyes were blurry at first but right when my eyes were able to adjust, I almost screamed when I saw Fushimi's face. I increased my voltage and shocked his hands, however he would not let me go.

I tried prying his hands open but it only made his grip tighter.

"Let me go damn it!!" I yelled.

"Not until you explain yourself! What are planning to do and why were you in the commander's office?!" he hollered at my face

If this keeps up, Munataka will be here soon and I'll be detained. This rescue mission will be all for nothing.

"Why does it matter so much to you that I left? You said it yourself, I only give you more unnecessary work! You guys are just using me!"

"Alright fine! We were just using you but don't try to act like the victim here! You were using us too. You gave out our information to help Ryuji and you only joined us so that you'll be safe from the gold clan!"

"Why are you so upset that I left? I thought you didn't like me." I muttered.

He kept quiet for a couple of minutes. I looked at him see if he fell asleep but really he was staring at the arm he stabbed.

"Doesn't this seem all to familiar? Maybe you can relate to Yata now, because I'm sure that he's hurt too." Fushimi's grip finally loosened and I was able to get out.

I could hear the sound of other officers, running around searching for the crash. I was going to make a run for it but then I walked over to him and crouched down to his level. I reached over and held onto his hand.

"I just wanted to make this clear. I don't hate you...for anything that's happened. I still care about you guys, everyone in the team including Munataka. But Ryuji's my friend too and right now he needs help."

"You're leaving us for Silver, aren't you? I know that you're working with them now." he sighed.

"I...I'm..the result will vary. But Fushi-Saruhiko, I really do like you." He looked up at me with a mix of shock and a bit of confusion. " I just wanted to let you know that I still care, because I don't know how this will turn out."

I dove at him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry for everything that's happened and for this." I lightly kissed his cheek and right after I shocked him until he was unconscious.

Once he was out, I sprinted over to the gates and climbed over it. With adrenaline running through my body, I sprinted all the way back to Homra. By the time it was 2 a.m I was finally able to sleep.

We all woke up to the scent of food. Everybody, except me, moved downstairs to check it out.

"Ku-Kusanagi-san!?" I heard Kamamoto rejoice.

I forced myself out of bed and went downstairs. I leaned by the doorway with my arms crossed and a huge smile on my face. Anna ran over to him and Kamamoto just reached over the counter to hug him.

"You look like shit today. Have a nice midnight stroll?" Yukari chuckled as he sat down.

"Hey, I'm a night owl. I just happened to run into him on the way to Scepter 4."

"Bullshit. I hope you turned that place to crap as well."

"No, but I was able to delete all of Munakata's files and trackers on you guys and Silver."

"You're a really scary kid, you know that?" he laughed.

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