Chapter 11 part 2

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Chapter 11 part 2

"Wow! Ryuji this is amazing!" I yelled as I ran out in the sun and splashed in the water.

Soon everyone came in running and joined me. We splashed around in the water and made sand castles until the sun had set.

After three hours of excitement, the boys laid on their backs facing the sun as I walked along the shore looking for shells. I found a nice pink conch and a few sand dollars under the wet sand.

I went closer to the big rocks where there were even more shells. I climbed up their mossy surface and hopped from rock to another. I took in a deep breath and listened to the sound of crashing waves but then I heard something that seemed out of place.

"Noa...Noa...." a soft whisper called me.

At first I thought it was just the wind whistling but then after hearing it several more times I knew that someone else was here.

"I'm over here.....over here...." it called again.

I slid down the rocks and walked over to another pile of rocks that was under a cliff.

"I'm over here...." it said in a hushed voice.

I felt strangely obedient to this voice. I didn't feel scared but I was very drawn to it. I couldn't help but feel curious to who was calling for me. Surprisingly there was a cave at the bottom of the tunnel. By the time I stepped in front of it the voice stopped calling me. All I could hear was the emptiness of this cave, I highly doubt that someone was in there.

Right when I turned my back something caught my attention. A big breeze blew down my hat and echoed in the cave.

"Shhh...don't let them know..." The voice came back.

I quickly turned back around, my attention was drawn back to the cave. Out of the darkness, a hand reached out to me.



Still tired from all the running, the boys slept under the setting sun. But Kamamoto's rest was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He took it out and answered it.

Kusanagi: Kamamoto, where are you guys right now?

Kamamoto: We're out in the beach. Sorry I didn't come back, I completely forgot.

Kusanagi: Well, that's not really the reason why I called you. Anna, here has something to tell you. She says it's urgent.

Kamamoto: Hey Anna, what is it?

Anna: Kamamoto, keep them close to you. I can feel someone else's presence there with you.

Kamamoto: Oh it must be Ryuji. He actually led us out here but don't worry he's actually alright.

Anna: No, it's not him. Noa's's color has dulled down. I think she's in danger.

Kamamoto quickly got up and whipped his head around trying to see where Noa was.

Anna: I'm not sure who it is but be careful I'm not sure if his intentions are purely evil.

Kusanagi: Kamamoto, qucikly send us where this beach is located I'm sending the other boys there! Be careful!

Kamamoto: Got it!

"Guys wake up! Noa is gone!" He yelled waking up both the boys.

"Damn it, what is it now?" Yata yawned.

"Anna just called me. Noa, where is she? She says that she's in danger."

Yata quickly got up on his feet and knocked Ryuji down right when he got up. Yata began to continuously plummet his fist at Ryuji's face. Ryuji quickly jabbed Yata's stomach and flip him off. Once he was on the ground, Ryuji began to kick his side.

Kamamoto quickly lifted both the boys up, trying to stop the fight.

"Stop it! He didn't do anything, this is someone else!"


"I'm not sure. Ryuji, where is this beach located?"

"This is place is located right outside the city. I'll send them the directions to get to the tunnels." Ryuji said as he took Kamamoto's phone and began to send the message.

"Hey guys this way!" Yata called as he followed a trail of small footprints on the ground.

The boys followed down the trail which stopped down by the rocks. They looked around trying to find other tracks.

"Damn it! Now what are we going to do?! She be under water by now!" Yata stomped his foot.

Ryuji dived into the water. He came back up several times for a breath of air.

"Ryuji there's no use in searching in the water!" Kamamoto called to him.

"Well, do you have any other better ideas?" Ryuji yelled back as he climbed back to shore.

"Hey Yata, Kamamoto!" Chitose yelled as he ran up to them with the rest of the group behind him.

"Yo!" Yata yelled back.

"Did you guys find her yet?" Bando asked panting.

"Her tracks ended here. We don't have any other leads on where she can be."

All the men began to spread out in the beach trying to find any signs to where Noa could be.

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