Chapter 13 part 3

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Chapter 13 part 3

Once we finally reached the base, Fushimi dragged me all the way to our main working room and pushed me at one of the tables.

"What the hell!?" I snapped at him

"I should be asking you that! Do you have any idea how much trouble you brought me from this little stunt of your's?! First you disappear in a random tunnel, then you called for Homra instead of us, and now....!" He scolded

"Hey it was not like that at all! I was just hanging out with Yata and Kamamoto!"

"Well then, where the hell did you run off too?! Cause we sure as hell spent a whole day searching for your ass!"

"I was...! I was following someone in the tunnel and suddenly woke up under a hole. After that I was captured by Yukari and Douhan and was brought back here! It's been crazy for me too!"

"Who the fuck could you have been following in the tunnel? You sent us a signal telling us where you were."

"That's why I sent it, I noticed that I didn't know this person and got scared. I sent it cause I felt scared."

"Well then, don't run off with strangers!"

"Piss off, you don't own me! It's break, aren't I free to go out if I want to!?"

Fushimi marched up to me with an intense look in his eyes. I tried to move away from him but ended up bumping into another desk. He grabbed hold of my collar and pushed me back, banging my back on the desk.

"Ow!" I yelped but he didn't let go

"You're right, I don't own you however you're my responsibility. It is my job to make sure that you stay in line and don't cause anymore trouble. You have no idea how much stress and anxiety you've cause me!"


"My job was more manageable before you came along! I've been even busier cleaning up after your mess!"

"F-Fushimi..." I could feel my eyes watering and my heart break apart.

"If you don't like it here, then do us all a favor and just leave! Then I won't have to keep worrying about you or the messes you make!" Fushimi suddenly stopped once he realized the tears flowing out of my eyes.

I covered my face and rolled over to my side. When Fushimi tried to touch my arm, I smacked his hand away and kneed him. Once he was down, I ran as fast as I could out of the room.

I pushed the heavy door open and ran back to the dorms. When I heard the door burst open, my legs moved even faster.

"Noa!" He yelled.

I pried the door open and hurried inside but Fushimi got hold of my wrist. I tried to shut the door on him but he used all of his weight to push it open. I also tried flicking his hand off but his hold was too tight.

"Let me go! Let me go, you depressing piece of shit!" I screamed as he stepped in and tried to pull me closer.

I pounded my fists at his chest, trying to push him away.

"Noa..." He began but I slapped him across the face.

"Let go! I hate you! I really really do hate you! You're nothing compared to all the guys at Homra! Unlike you, they make me smile!"

"Noa..." he said coldly.

"You're a traitor too! That's makes you no better than me! I never wanted for any of this to happen-"

"Noa!" Fushimi yelled as he grabbed both of my shoulders and violently shook me.

"Don't you dare...don't you dare speak to me ever again. I've had it with you!"

"I'm pissed at you! I'm fuming with anger because of you!" He yelled back

"I just said-!"

"I''m pissed at you for making me worry! You have no idea how scared I was when...." He suddenly grew silent and looked down at the floor.

We stood in silence for a good ten minutes or so. I had no idea what to say or do, I couldn't choose whether to yell or comfort him. But then all I could think about was his scolding and decided to just leave him. I nudged him away from me and made my way to the stairs.

"Noa, wait." he grabbed my hand for a brief moment but I harshly flicked it off.

I didn't speak to him nor glanced back. I didn't want to deal with any of this tonight, I was far too stressed to finish this argument. He didn't say anything or even run after me, I have to admit that's what hurt most out of the whole fight.

When I finally reached my room, I leaned on my door for a moment to recollect myself. Before I knew it, I was sobbing hysterically. For half of the night, I sat outside my door crying my eyes out. It wasn't until some of the female staff wake up and helped me into my room.

Some even stayed with me the whole night trying to calm me down. When my eyes were completely dried, I slowly shut my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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