Chapter 14 part 2

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Chapter 14 part 2

When morning came, I woke from the floor covered in blankets. I sat up and checked the time. I quickly and quietly changed into some of the new clothes that I just bought. I put on a new summer dress and headed out the door.

The whole park was quiet and bare. Not a single person was to be seen, the only noise there was the sound of the trees shaking in the breeze. I sat on the bench and waited fir any sign of Daichi. Ten minutes later, I saw Daichi walking over.

"What is it that you needed to discuss with me?" he said blandly.

"It's about what you said about Munakata. I just wanted to hear your opinion and reason." I scooted over to let him take a seat.

"Kokujoji-san and I discussed about this when we saw you on duty. We both agreed that Munakata has a plan for you. Think about it, what makes you so special that he had to let you out? I mean, you destroyed their system for heaven's sake."

I carefully thought it over and couldn't really think of anything to come back at him.

"How can I trust you? How do I know that you're not trying to trick me?"

Daichi sighed loudly and rubbed his head.

"Noa, I'm being completely forward with you. I already have a high position back at Gold and I'm pretty content with my life. Besides I'm not that shallow. I just want you to have a stable and independent mind. If you rely too much on others, then what are you going to do when you're all alone?"

"I just...I just don't want to be wrong and suffer the consequence." I breathed.

"Noa, you can't always be right. That's what life's all about, making decisions. No matter what, you'll never know the true outcome of the decisions you make. What's life without risk? Surely, you can understand that. You made the decision to leave and look what happened. You gained new friends and a clan, got into more trouble, met the leader of a rebellion and possibly met the silver king which is slightly strange."

"I don't know, I don't know. It's not like I can ask the other members this." I sighed.

"Why not ask the King? I'm pretty sure Munakata will be straight with you and if that doesn't work just come see Kokujoji-san." he checked his watch and got up from his seat.

"I asked her to come today." He suddenly stopped walking and turned back to me.

"Is that so? I haven't seen her for a good year, not even once in the streets." he smiled to himself.

"I know, to her it's only been a couple of months."

"How is she? Did she get a new job or is she still studying?"

"She's fine and she's working at a bar now. I could tell where she works so you can see her."

"I rather not. I'll give her choice to see me, it's not fair of me to just surprise her. I'll just wait until she's ready, it'll mean more to me." Daichi turned around and began to leave again.

"Will you guys ever tell me why you broke up? Cause I don't really see the reason for you two to split up." I called to him but he simply waved to me without looking back.

"Maybe someday but for now just keep an eye on her for me!" He shouted back.

Once he was out of sight, I decided to head over to Homra just to waste some time. When I reached the bar, the only one there was Eric and Anna sitting and eating.

"Hello, you two!" I smiled.

"Noa, you're alright." Anna turned around to face me.

"Where's Kusanagi?" I sat beside them.

"He's out getting more cherry sauce for one of his cocktails." Eric answered pushing over a cup with red fluid inside.

I sniffed the glass before I decided to drink it. As expected it was a virgin Shirley Temple.

"Do you guys know anything about the Blue clans' king?" I asked

"You're gonna have to ask Kusanagi when he returns from the store." Eric answered again.

I didn't really feel like waiting for him so I told them that I'd call him later. I said good bye to the two and let them continue on eating. I finally decided to go back to the base and see Munakata.

When I arrived back at the gate, I stood in front of it hesitating. Right across the yard was Awashima jogging but she suddenly stopped when she caught of glimpse of me.

"Well, look whose finally out and alive." she smiled as she ran over and opened the gate for me.

She walked me back to the cafeteria which was just as empty as the rest of the area. We had some tea and talked over what was going on for the past couple of days. To get our mind's off of that depressing topic, I helped her make dinner for the team, who were coming back from their break.

Apparently, Munakata sent everyone a message that we were all having a mandatory get together dinner. With that in mind, I suddenly had a sick feeling in my stomach.

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