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These are a tad bit simpler. The two Sith were both tracking the Jedi, which led to the Games. Your character had to have been closing in on the Jedi you had been tracking to fight and kill, when you were betrayed as well and thrown into the Games. Even though you are Sith, you went rogue and turned against the Emperor and Vader. You must include why this happened and who taught you. You cannot have been taught by the Emperor. Either Vader had an apprentice who taught you, or you and your master (or you and your apprentice if you want to be a master) hid out in the galaxy in secret WITHOUT THE EMPEROR'S KNOWLEDGE, but there must be a good, logical reason behind this. 

Typically, there are only two: A Sith master, and the apprentice he or she chooses to teach, simply because the Sith Order must live on. The Master instructs the pupil, but never gives up the smallest sliver of power. The apprentice learns through years of study but must struggle for every achievement. If the apprentice becomes strong enough, a battle to the death will prove it. If the master should be struck down, the apprentice becomes the Master and the Order continues.

If you choose Master, you can decide to mention what apprentice you currently have, or maybe you had one before and they died, so you took on another one. You can also mention how you killed your previous master, if you did so.

If you choose apprentice, you can talk about your Master and the hardships they put you through, as well as your training.

Both Master and apprentice must include how or why you turned to the dark side. Even though there's only supposed to be two, a Master and an Apprentice, there's only two sith spots, so you can choose either one (another words there can be two masters, two apprentices or one of either).

You also must include, not only the name you go by, but your Sith name (aka Darth whatever). 

Even though there's already two Sith (aka Palpatine and Vader), you must have a reason why the Emperor never knew about you. If you choose to be a close apprentice under one of Vader's, then the reason being is that with the rise of the Empire, Palpatine has decided to change up the rules. 

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