11: Politician Male: Mission Korror

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This character was made by Spiderstring

NAME: Mission Korror

AGE: 23

PROFESSION: Politician

RACE: Zabrak

APPEARANCE: Like a walking dark cloud Mission brings irritation and hostility wherever he goes. Mission's ever present frown, glowing orange eyes, muscular build and towering height of 6' 11" along with the harsh black and red markings and horns of his race make people weary of him. Despite his unpleasant expression Mission is handsome and he knows it. Scars mare Missions arms and over one eyes caused during one of his fits of rage. Mission is often found gritting his teeth or smirking, both in annoyance. Mission wears black religiously. Once he was seen with gold on the edge of his hood and tunic but that is up for debate.

 Once he was seen with gold on the edge of his hood and tunic but that is up for debate

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PERSONALITY: Mission is unpleasant in almost all ways. He is pessimistic, prideful, selfish, dominating and prone to childlike behavior.

But Mission's worse trait by far is his anger issues. Ever since he was a child he seemed to have an uncontrollable rage in him, everything seems to make him mad, making him lesh out and hurt himself and others. Through time Mission has learned to control his anger, although it still dominates a lot of his attitude, he no longer has violent fits of rage in which he has hurt himself and others. Despite his anger Mission is good at winning people over if he tries and good at politics. With charm and his formidable appearance Mission always knows how to get his way. Hidden deep inside Mission is the part of himself he lets no one see, where he hides his hate of seeing innocent people in pain and the fear he has for his own anger.



WEAPON: Voice scrambler or Heavy Blaster Pistol

GREATEST TEMPTATION: Lashing out in anger. It always sits in the back of his mind, waiting and threatening to emerge. He holds it back the best he can, but sometimes it breaks through and he can't stop it.

LIFE GOAL: To be free of his fathers ever commanding presence and make him see that he is not a child.

BACKGROUND: From an early age Mission showed an extreme rage. No matter what his parents seemed to do Mission would always be angry. When he was younger his fits of rage were easier to control but as he got older Mission just seemed to get angrier and his fits of rage began to hurt himself and others. Hoping to use that anger towards something productive Missions father had him train with the other Zabrak warriors. Instead helping Mission's anger the training seemed to make his rage intensify.

His training came to a stop when in one of his fits he almost killed one of his instructors locked up for a month.

Not sure what else to do Missions father sent him to study politics and meditate with an instructor to control his anger issues. Eventually Mission learned to control his anger and soared in his political studies. He still had fits of rage but they were few and far between and never lasted long. Seeing his son's potential in politics Mission's father sent him to Coruscant as a representative for the Zabrak. Mission argued with his father not to send him there but in the end Mission was forced to go. Still worried that Mission might explode in fits of anger his father send a bodyguard with him. Not only to protect him from others but also himself.

Mission hated every moment of being a politician but he was undeniably good at it.

He soared through the ranks and became a senator for the council. Sure that his father would be pleased with him Mission asked to go back him. is father refused.

Unable to take it any longer Mission began searching for ways to change his father mind. Even if it went against the law. He began to bribe the other politicians to agree with his ideas and choices and started a spy network to find out the politicians weaknesses so he could move to the top.

But all that changed when Mission and his bodyguard were captured and accused of being a spy and stealing a coded chip the Republic had been trying to decode since the Emperor had risen to power. Mission argued that he didn't take it until he was shown video evidence. Video evidence of him and a human breaking into a sealed room and taking something from the files. Trin was tortured for the location of the chip but he couldn't tell them anything. During the months that he was imprisoned and tortured all the self control Mission had spent years building around his anger began to fall away bit by bit. Now his rage hangs on a string, ready to lash out at any moment.


His bodyguard Ri who his father sent to look after him incase his anger issues overcame him. Ri is a Mandalorian and is always hidden behind armor. Mission knows nothing about Ri. He doesn't know what the Mandalorian looks like. To add to the mystery Ri barely ever speaks and is "The bane of my existence," Mission says.

 To add to the mystery Ri barely ever speaks and is "The bane of my existence," Mission says

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LOVED ONES: "Love," is a strong word for the feelings Mission has for his family. His Father Kronos one of the top commanders on Iridonia, serving as the spymaster, defense coordinator, and galactic insurance orchestrator. Bonds with his father have always been tense since Mission has always felt like a failure to his father and the way his father is constantly treating him like a child drives Mission to the breaking point. His mother Linora Ji, a past nightsister, serves with his father as defensive coordinator and agreeds with his father about everything. The only person Mission has ever had fond feelings for is his sister Maellan, a nightsister. Mission hasn't seen her in years.  

Missu: "Your brutal past and training make you the PERFECT male specimen... Especially consideirng you are a Zabrack! They're one of the funnest races to experiment on.

Dasram: "It's a tragedy to see you here, Brother. None of our warrior brothers should be."

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