Task Six: (The Finals): Rebels

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Sidious glared out of the window of his starship as the rebels' ship jumped into hyperspace and disappeared from the nebula. 

Hatred flared in his chest as the Admiral and Commander both collapsed onto the ground, dead from suffocation. In all honesty, Sidious hadn't even realized he'd been using the Dark Side of the Force to kill them. 

The rebels had escaped. 


Hey everyone and welcome to Task Six - THE FINALS! Congratulations for making it this far! Sorry my intro was so short... Haha. I hadn't exactly planned this one out. 

Your ship has escaped the nebula. TIE fighters and other ships followed you for some time. You're exhausted and half-dead. Somehow, you and the group you traveled with are alive. You've traveled in hyperspace for a long time and have just now come out. 

You realize your ship is surrounded by a fleet of starships. Believing it's the Empire, you're filled with dread, until you're hailed on the COM. The starships have docked and want you to come aboard. 

As you enter the starship, you're met by a man, a senator named Bail Organa. There is a young girl, no longer than three, by his side... This is his daughter Leia. Beside them is an atromech droid named R2-D2 and a golden protocol droid named C-3PO. Behind them are other rebels, including Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar. They explain who they are and what their cause is - to resist and fight the Empire. Bail Organa tells you that they've seen the televised version of what you went through on the holonet. "We could use someone like you in our fight against the Empire," he says. and ask you to join them.

Here then is your task:

Talk with the rebels and the group with you. Tie up loose ends and personal drama between characters... And then the rebels ask you to go with them. You have to make a decision.. If you do you can't go back and see your family (whatever remains of them if any) because it's too dangerous. If you don't have anyone now, do you join a good but possibly hopeless cause?... Do you turn your back on a good cause when you know they need your help or do you sacrifice having a chance at a normal life....your family or friends and loved ones in order to help them?

Show me your characters'  thoughts and emotions during this delima. Everything that's happened and everything they've seen and endured will be crashing back to them since it's only been hours since this all began...Make your decision and show me how they make it. 

This is your character's ending. I want to see development. How far has your character come from the beginning? How have they changed? How will they face this new life, either on the run from the Empire or with the rebels? How will they face it without their loved ones? What will they do now, if they don't join the rebels. Where will they go? 

Give me a good ending, full of flashbacks and tears and feels. 

Word Count:


Due Date:

July 25, 6pm cental. This gives you one week and almost six days. Don't be late. This is the finals and you are a finalist. 

Deaths, Ballots, Awards, Perks, Punishments:

None. This is all on you and your writing. 

Remember to let me know if you want more information about Author'ss Games: Fandoms and bringing your characters into it. I would love for each of them to join Kanan (seriously especially the ones I wrote with his entries... GAH). 

Let me know if you have any questions or if I've forgotten anything. 

Good luck. You three all deserve to be here! You all deserve to win!

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