18 Jedi Male Kanan

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This character was made by me :) 

Name: Kanan

Age: 27

Profession: Jedi

Race: Mirialan

Appearance: As a Mirialan, Kanan has light green skin. His hair is dark black and sleek, usually kept either tied back in a small, circular bun on the back of his head, or simply tied back. Two strands of hair hang on either side of his face, bordering his narrow-shaped eyes. Over his right eye are his race's markings, intricate and formal. The same markings form a diamond shape over his right shoulder. He stands at a towering six foot seven. All of his limbs except his right hand are mechanical. Both eyes are cobalt blue, although his right eye sometimes glows, which is the only way to tell that it's artificial. One of his lungs and half of his stomach is also artificial.

Personality: Kanan is intelligent and careful, never trusting anyone except his wife

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Personality: Kanan is intelligent and careful, never trusting anyone except his wife. His past has formed him into the harsh man he has become, but his natural instinct is to hide his pain behind sarcasm, something he never would have done in the Jedi Order.

Planet they were born: Mirial

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Tatooine

Weapon of choice: Even though he keeps his lightsaber broken down into mechanical parts, he usually fights with a vibro-lance.

Greatest temptation: His wife, Adaara Rysh, is his weakness. He would do anything for her.

Life goal: He just wants to escape his past and live quietly, raise a family in a world where he knows his wife and children will be safe.

Background: Kanan was born in the year 39BBY. He grew up in the Jedi Temple and became a Padawan when he was only eight years old, the same time period that Anakin first came to be trained at the Temple under Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. At age seventeen, Kanan passed the trials and became a Jedi Knight. When he was eighteen, his master, Quinlan Vos, was sent on a secret mission during the Clone Wars to assassinate Count Dooku. The mission only succeeded in Quinlan Vos falling to the Dark Side and becoming an apprentice of Count Dooku, but Master Vos returned to the Jedi Order and deceived them. It was Kanan who realized that his Master was still under the influence of the Dark Side and warned the Jedi Council when they sent Vos once again to assassinate Dooku. Thanks to Kanan's information, the Council sent Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to follow him, forbidding Kanan to become involved. After the death of Vos' lover, he returned to Coruscant, where Obi-Wan spoke on his behalf and enabled him to become reinstated into the Order again.

From that point on, Kanan found it hard to trust again, so instead he took on his own Padawan. Kanan was in the Jedi Temple when the 501st attacked the Temple with Anakin Skywalker leading them. Kanan fought furiously to protect his fellow Jedi, most of which were only younglings and Padawans since the Knights and Masters were dealing with the war. During his fight with Anakin, Kanan was severely injured, losing both of his legs, his right eye and a stab wound that damaged one of his lungs. He was forced to watch as Anakin killed not only the younglings and other Padawans, but Kanan's own Padawan as well. Adaara Rysh, a senator had been at the Temple meeting with a group of Jedi and she had hidden during the attack. When it was over, she found Kanan and took him to a medical bay off of Coruscant. The two decided to stay together.

Kanan and Adaara were both wanted by the Empire: Kanan due to his status as a Jedi Knight and Adaara due to her outspokenness against the Chancellor, now Emperor. Kanan fought Vader's Inquisitors, including one named Kaladin several times over the years, resulting in the loss of his left arm and half his stomach. Adaara kept around several medical droids from her days as a senator, who were able to give Kanan a droid lung and half of a droid stomach.

Other fights scarred both Kanan and Adaara in other ways, but neither of them talk about it.

A year ago, Adaara was kidnapped by Kaladin to lure Kanan into a trap. She was Kaladin's prisoner for six months and when she emerged, she was with child. Ever since then, Kanan has vowed not only to kill Kaladin, but to raise the child as his own. Unfortunately, Vader found them first.

Side character: Adaara Rysh, a beautiful Torgruta woman who has been Kanan's wife for three years now, ever since they chose to marry in secret.

Side character: Adaara Rysh, a beautiful Torgruta woman who has been Kanan's wife for three years now, ever since they chose to marry in secret

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Loved ones: No one. Adaara is Kanan's entire life. Vader and his Inquisitors have ensured that Kanan has no one else.

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