19: Sith Male: Yuurei

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This character was made by ariel_paiement1

Name: Yuurei (Yoo-dray)

Sith Name: Darth Fantomu

Age: 22

Profession: Sith Master

Race: Mirialan

Appearance: Yuurei has golden yellow skin with twin daggers tattooed across his cheeks and a trident tattoo on his forehead. His hair is medium length with slight curls and a silver-white hue. The most striking characteristic, most people would agree, are his bright violet eyes and height. His eyes seem to dance with flames of passion and liveliness. If angered, the brilliant violet dulls to a deeper purple. When that happens, his 6 foot frame is much more threatening than it was previously. While he is tall, Yuurei isn't very bulky. He's relatively slight, though very strong due to years of training in the Outer Rim under his mistress's watchful glare. His hands are also slight, with long, nimble fingers that have helped him do everything from picking locks to maneuvering sensitive equipment safely. As a kid and teen, he was sometimes mocked for his large feet, but he claims they help center his tall frame better. Who knows? He doesn't seem to be worse off as a result.

Personality: Yuurei is somewhat unstable emotionally. He's usually very calm with a bit of a sarcastic edge, but if someone tries to hurt those weaker than them or lays a hand on those he cares about, he will crush them. Unlike most Sith, he hasn't completely given in to a lack of morals and depravity. He's still fighting that because the desire to protect everything he loves is stronger than the desire for power and the fear inside of him. However, it's a moment to moment battle, and it wouldn't be impossible or even very difficult for something to push him far enough to snap and turn completely. For now, however, he's a little bit too serious for his own good and has a hero complex of sorts. His sense of justice may be a bit warped, but deep down, he just wants a power that is untainted by either darkness or light. He knows it might never be something he can find, but he fights for it anyway because he believes it can give him the true power he needs to do what he really craves to do: protect those no one else does from harm.

While he's very serious, he can lighten up and laugh with others if put at ease. The problem is that he's very uptight and tries to bury every emotion except the consuming passion to protect and the anger he can't conceal toward those who hurt him and others. This makes it very difficult for him to let go and joke around like a normal person his age would. Despite that, he's not entirely unapproachable.

The other thing that defines Yuurei's personality is an all-consuming hatred and loathing of Jedi. The reason for this has nothing to do with his occupation as a Sith. In fact, the hatred ran deeper to the fact that they failed to protect him and others like him in their own city from the hands of those who took pleasure in cruelty. They were supposed to be selfless protectors of the weak and underprivileged, but they failed him. And he grew to hate them for it with each new abusive master or "guardian".

Planet where they were born: Coruscant

Any planets you live on now or have visited frequently: He lived in Coruscant for most of his childhood. When his Mistress found him, they moved to Felucia. From there, they were always moving around to planets nearby every few months to avoid the malicious grasp of Palpatine and Vader. He now spends most of his time moving around from Tattoine, Felucia, Geonosis, and Endor to evade the radar of the Empire.

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