Meet the Gamemakers: Dasram

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Name: Dasram

Age: 33

Profession: Sith

Race: Zabrack

Appearance: Dasram has ghost white skin with black markings typical of the Zabrak race. Small spikes protrude from his head, though it is covered in smooth black hair. His eyes are narrow and yellow, always alert and watching.

Planet they were born: Iridonia

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Coruscant, Mustafar

Weapon of choice: Curved hilt, reverse bladed dark saber

Background: Dasram was born on Iridonia into the Nightbrothers, where he was found and rescued by a Jedi Knight and taken to the Temple to be trained

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Background: Dasram was born on Iridonia into the Nightbrothers, where he was found and rescued by a Jedi Knight and taken to the Temple to be trained. Shortly after he passed the trials and became a Jedi Knight of his own, he turned on his master and left the Order. No one knows why he turned, and no one ever found out. For years he was on his own, until he became an apprentice of Count Dooku and learned of the return of his cousin, Maul. Shortly after Maul disappeared once again, his own Master, Dooku was defeated. Before Dasram could seek revenge and kill the Jedi who did it, the Jedi were all eradicated. Dooku's own Master, Sidious found Dasram shortly after and invited him to have a place by his side. Ever since then, he's been eager to prove his superior skills over Vader himself, though he hasn't been given the chance thus far.

Side character: When Dasram was a Dark Jedi, he roamed the planet Myrkr. At the time, he was starving to death and without a weapon, so he planned to use his force powers to kill and eat a Ysalamiri, which are furry, lizard-like tree dwellers native to Myrkr. The little creature created a bubble around itself that the force could not penetrate, surprising Dasram. Before he starved to death, the creature brought him smaller bugs, keeping him alive. Ever since then Dasram named him Miri and has kept him around as a pet. Dasram considers Miri his only friend.

Tributes he will sponsor: Though Dasram himself isn't fond of gambling, he has decided to take part with these Games, given how big an event they're sure to be. He's looking for a tribute much like himself, eager and willing to prove their power and strength, physical or otherwise. He sees morals as weak and therefore will not sponsor anyone bogged down by them. He will sponsor two tributes.

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