Meet the Gamemakers: Agruss

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By the way, for those of you who don't know ALL of the Gamemakers are the bad guys. The one who kidnapped you, the ones forcing you to kill each other, the ones who have come up with all the evil tasks in hopes of watching you all die. 

Name: Agruss

Age: 39

Profession: Slaver (though he considers himself a professional gambler)

Race: Zygerrian

Appearance: Agruss' skin is a light tan on the face, but pink-tipped along his head and ears. His ears are large and triangular in shape. His lips are as narrow as his eyes.

Planet they were born: Zygerria

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Zygerria, Nar Kanji, Coruscant

Weapon of choice: Zygerrian whip (also known as a shock whip)

Background: Agruss was named after his father, who was a slavemaster, who was a leader in a slaving operation on Kadavo during the Clone Wars. Agruss has taken his father's love for slaves and those weaker than him, but he much prefers to gamble. He has widely traveled the galaxy gambling on anything he can. He has a few slaves of his own, but only a special one he brings with him wherever he goes.

Side character: Agruss has a beautiful, blue-colored Twi'lek slave girl named Ipez'mora that he takes with him wherever he goes. It is said that he favors her dances over anything else in the galaxy, other than gambling.

Tributes he will sponsor: Agruss gambles to win. He wants only to make money off of those he chooses, so he will most likely sponsor someone who has higher chance of succeeding. He does have a personal preference for weaker, beautiful girls that he could enjoy as slaves. He will sponsor two tributes: one that he believes will win and another that's closer to his slave preference.

If you want to be sponsored, pay close attention to who each Gamemaker will sponsor. Read through their forms carefully before you write your sponsorship task (more on that later) in order to properly impress each of the Gamemakers. 

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