Task One: Primitive Male and Female Entries

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Here is Primitive Male: Fidget's entry, written by my amazing husband JamesWhite074. Enjoy. 

The first thing Fidget noticed when he woke was the intense pounding in his skull. It felt like a thousand needles were burrowing their way through his brain. Before he had time to even open his eyes a vicious slap across the face sent him slamming against the rough stone behind him. His eyes popped open and harsh orange light burned a path straight to his brain. He blinked the tears away and saw the tall white demon walk away. He looked just like the ones who had slaughtered his village and white hot rage blazed through his veins against his will.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Fidget forced himself to focus on his sorroundings. He was standing in a large open area, bigger than any clearing he had ever seen, with dull brown sand and little else. In a large circle around him were nineteen other tall stone posts just like the one he was chained to. Each one had an alien figure chained with their arms above their heads just like him.

Directly in front of him was a large building that looked damaged and broken. A large door was opened in its side to reveal a mound of weapons and tools. Fidget could even see his spear and tool belt among the pile. Chained to the outside of the building were all manner of strange creatures but Fidget's eyes automatically locked on to one familar face out of all them.

"Skree!" He yelled with joy. "You're alive!" He felt tears prickle at the corner of his eyes and he let them. It didn't matter now anyway.

"Not for long!" Skree shouted back. "Get me out of here! Quick!"

Something about his comment brought back memories of all the times that Skree had found himself in trouble and expected Fidget to save him. Fidget smiled and looked upwards to see about freeing himself so he could rescue his friend once again. But before he could start on his chains, a loud horn echoes across the vast arena. Fidget turned his eyes far out across the arena to see dozens of large doors begin to slowly open.

Wild cheering caused Fidget's eyes to rise up to see thousands upon thousands of screaming aliens looking down at the helplessly bound prisoners. When the doors finally opened all the way a hush fell over the crowd. Everyone, spectator and victim both, waited in tense apprehension, staring into the dark shadows.

With a suddeness that caused the crowd to first scream and then cheer, the first monster lunged forward into the bright arena. It was massive, far bigger than any creature Fidget had ever seen. It had two long arms that ended in thick sharp claws. Its head was larger than Fidget's hut had been, with a cavernous mouth filled with serrated teeth built for tearing and rending flesh. Its thick brown flesh was liberally covered with angry red scars, proof of all the battles it had fought. The alien spectators began chanting one word over and over again... Rancor... Rancor... Rancor.

Fidget's blood froze in his viens. There was no way such a monster could exist but as it began to stalk closer the ground shook with every thunderous step. To each side of the beast more monsters emerged from each doorway and the crowd's cheers were deafening. Terror consumed Fidget and it took several moments before Skree's faint shouts penetrated.

"Behind you!" Skree screamed. "Fidget! Wake up! Duloks!"

The word Dulok was what snapped Fidget out of his fear. Duloks were an agressive race native to his homeworld of Endor's moon. Slighly taller than Ewoks with thick green fur and nasty tempers, Duloks hated Ewoks and regularly hunted them for food and sport. Every Ewok child had been taught about the Dulok Wars and how their people had been slaughtered.

Fidget twisted around to try to see but the stone pillar he was chained to was too wide. He redoubled his efforts to get free only to find that his hands slid easily from the cuffs around his wrists. He saw with amazement that his bonds were made for someone the size of the white demons not a much smaller Ewok. He laughed aloud, feeling as if his chances of surviving had just doubled, then he stepped around the stone pillar.

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