Task Five: Sha'ar's Bonus Entry

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Just in case I needed it (since at first I didn't have but one entry handed in) JesterheadJohnSnow worked hard and wrote a task five entry. I thought you all should be able to enjoy it as well as I did. What a Star Wars ending! Enjoy!

"Keep it moving!"

As the stormtroopers prodded them on, Sha'ar stumbled across the coarse landscape inside a huge arena encompassing the blood-red sand. A roaring crowd was assembled in the stands, bellowing at the chained prisoners who were being paraded through to the center where various objects that Sha'ar had never seen before. He shuddered and wished that he did not receive these augmented eyes. He vaguely remembered being in an intense amount of pain after having his original blue eyes burned out and at the edge of his life when Vader's lightsaber had stabbed through his chest . Not long after, a medical droid had saved his life and had restored his sight with cybernetic eyes, but that had done very little to ease his plight.

Why did they save my life? the bounty hunter wondered. Is it to attempt the same thing and revive me so they can torment me for all of eternity?

That thought had made the Shi'ido shudder. Even death would me a more merciful option compared to what he may even go through at the moment.


They had stopped in front of the the platform which had housed the objects. Sha'ar froze when he had noticed the glimmering electric blade at the top.

Is that some sort of guillotine?

"Alright, secure the prisoners in their positions!" the booming voice of an Imperial officer rang out.

Sha'ar was startled out of his thoughts when the stormtroopers shoved him forcefully toward one of the dreadful machines . He noticed the energy crackle right above him as he was forced to the ground and strapped underneath the energy source.

" Try not to move if that isn't to hard for you," the stormtrooper taunted him as he strapped the befuddled bounty hunter into his straps.

Easy for you to say, Sha'ar thought bitterly.

He looked to his left and right, noticing that his fellow rebels had their companions with them since the lambda transport ship had brought them here from Palpatine's personal star destroyer. His heart began to pain him once again, but this pain would dwarf the pain he had felt when Vader stabbed him in the chest down in the dungeons. The pain of how his trusted and loyal companion had been turned against him by the Empire was plaguing him once again. The augmented bounty hunter glared at the cheering crowd . Inside him, the rage built up like flames that were drenched with fuel. Every crime committed by these dastardly Imperials should have consequences against them and he felt that he should be the one to mete out the judgement against the Imps.

" They say that those who meet their end by the electroguillotine don't die instantaneously," the sadistic stormtrooper informed him. " It may take up to five minutes for them to completely die."

" Kriff, you enjoy your job way too much, don't you?" Sha'ar cursed. The buckethead was obviously succeeding in making the bounty hunter uneasy. It didn't help ease his nerves as the buckethead pressed a button on the side of the deadly device and a red shield materialized around the startled bounty hunter.

"Why do you think I am good at my job?" the stormtrooper replied. " Before your turn comes, watch how the others fare when they meet their end."

Before Sha'ar could question what the buckethead meant, an Imperial officer shouted an order and one of the guillotines was activated. Sha'ar cringed once he saw through the corners of his eyes the head of what was once a Cathar slaver roll on the ground. It's eyes lay open in shock as Sha'ar turned away, unwilling to have that image burned into this memory. The crowd burst into a loud cheer once the execution was complete.

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